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Everything posted by philpy

  1. That's a nice table in the queens' boardroom. Just don't let any cats climb on it.
  2. My mum's uncle is 94 and still gives me and the wife a tenner each at Xmas. We always give him a phone to say thanks, it's not hard to pick up the phone. It's the way I was brought up . He struggles to read nowadays, so he appreciates the phone call.
  3. See all this "philpy" someone pish? Just fucking bin it please. Just because I grassed someone once it doesn't need highlighted at every fucking opportunity.
  4. If anyone wants a copy of "osteopath weekly", I have some back issues.
  5. Alloa have never responded to my tweet asking what the time is. Ah well...
  6. I hope the club can work with copa to replicate the half and half top from 2008. Guaranteed seller.
  7. I thought a mutant strain was something you found at 4.30 on the govan subway....
  8. f**k you. I've got that Pina colada song stuck in my head now.
  9. Got plenty of nice stuff, including whisky, but this tops the lot. Retro issue from the raith European games in 1995.
  10. Might need more booze to get us through the festivities..
  11. Is that one of your vices, being into DIY? Get a grip.
  12. I got you fuckall sarge, but no receipt, so you can't take it back.
  13. Beautiful east lothian sky this morning. Better watch @Hedgecutter doesn't arrive at my door though.
  14. Trying to upload photos, but it says I'm only allowed 8mb, even though I managed to upload pics yesterday to no problems
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