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Everything posted by philpy

  1. East lothian will probably end up back in tier 3 due to folk from Edinburgh piling in.
  2. Homemade lentil soup. Blitzed, but Still nice and thick. With a couple of slices of aldi's white bloomer loaf. You know it's good when you fart like f**k after it.
  3. There's a snack bar called the "bap mobile" at the bottom of the industrial estate at Broxburn.
  4. Driving along from wallyford to whitecraig this morning, saw a huge fucking buzzard on a hedge. Turned the car around, pulled over, got the camera out. The fucker flew off. got further along the road, saw it on top of a lamppost heading towards carberry, so I stopped again. The bugger flew off again
  5. I'm really good at making spirits dissappear.
  6. I think the club should allow "bodge" in the ground today. That would make for some, ahem, "colourful" noise during the live stream...
  7. Never mind the snow, did anyone get woken by that fucking huge rumble of thunder earlier this morning??
  8. What page was that on?? Would love to read it again but I can't be fucked trailing through every page of the 'rona thread.
  9. As someone who worked in a petrol station many moons ago, I can testify that scratchcards and lottery tickets are indeed a pain in the arse. Old people were the worst, always buying 10 lucky dips on separate tickets. Then they'd come back next and get you to Check them all, one by one.
  10. She took a cake through on a plate to sit and watch something on the TV. I went through to find her sitting with the plate on the sofa, whilst sitting eating the cake over the carpet, dropping crumbs everywhere.
  11. Aye. Just had 2 for lunch, was a struggle.
  12. Why don't you come on over?? Oh, sorry, you're not allowed.
  13. Something happened last night that confused me regarding hospitality rules - there were 4 of us out for a meal in a hotel in musselburgh last night - we went out to the covered terrace afterwards, but no tables free so went outside. I popped back in ten minutes later and spotted a free table, only to be told we couldn't have it as we were sitting outside drinking and therefore we couldn't come back inside. Doesnt a covered terrace still count as being "outside"??
  14. A "sangger". What kind of pish is this?? Are you one of those weirdos that call it a sangwich??
  15. I was gutted when they stopped making "Highlander" crisps. Bacon and brown sauces ones were brilliant.
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