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Everything posted by philpy

  1. I've got a bottle of amaretto but didn't have any normal cola to mix it with. But I had cherry Pepsi max, so I tried that. Bakewell tart in alcohol form basically. Lovely.
  2. Fair cop gov. My Comment is in jest however. I'm actually surprised no one had accused you of making it up yet. I'm sure VT will be along soon. Let's get a game of VT bingo. Utter fantasist Walter mitty Thanks for playing Unlucky champ A pic of ainsley harriot A pic of Jose mourihno. £3.00 a line, £12 for a full house.
  3. Not Mullarkey. 3 courses of fucking mushroom suppers, the c**t.
  4. I'm off to Keswick for a night a week on Thursday. Cannot fucking wait, as the scenery in the lakes area is superb, as is the wildlife. I've already had the heads up as where to see buzzards, kestrels, ospreys, red squirrels, kingfishers, otters, woodpeckers, cuckoos, to name but a few. Knowing my luck, the c***s will all be fucking hiding
  5. To be fair, it is shitehouse behaviour. There's old guys that could be getting to the pub for the first time in ages that could be missing the chance to get a free pint. One pint is plenty for everyone.
  6. I'd thought about it, someone I know has done it, but if they try it twice in the same place they'd probably get chased. I'm pretty sure it's one per person only anyway. Let other people get their chance for a pint.
  7. Has anyone used different email addresses to get a free pint at different locations?? I'd never even consider it, shocking behaviour...,
  8. I made stovies today, and she's going to have some later with BBQ sauce on them. Shall I get onto a divorce lawyer ASAP??
  9. FFS, excuse my poor geography . I should have noticed the position of the island in the middle...
  10. After nearly 3 years of agency work, the wife finally got a job today. Champagne is being cracked open tonight for sure
  11. Anyone else constantly getting an itchy as f**k nose from wearing a mask??
  12. If anyone can donate even a couple of quid that would be great. Cheers. https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/anne-philp1?utm_campaign=eua-share-facebook&utm_content=Anne-Philp1&utm_medium=shares-from-eua&utm_source=facebook
  13. He might stop. Collaborate and listen.
  14. Right, I've spoken to a mod and highlighted the fact I used an unacceptable term. I've also asked for the original post to be removed as in hindsight it isn't something that I should have brought up on here in the first place. If and if the decent posters on here have offered me advice, I'll message them with the outcome.
  15. I'm not talking about the work thing sarge, I'm talking about the autism thing.
  16. Not like you to spout the same pish eh. Yes, that whole thing back then was a lie, but maybe if you weren't so fucking quick to judge what happened to cause all that you might just understand. Sad thing is you're not the only one living in the past.
  17. Can you back this claim up then?? I wish I had to time to make a story up about something that is putting me in a very awkward place. I hate racism as much as the next person and when it's happening right in front of you on a near daily basis its 10 times fucking worse.
  18. Nice to see the tragic team accusing me of making a story up as per usual. Anyway, I'll take welshbairn's advice on the matter I think.
  19. I need proof for a start. Evidence. And as I'm working in the yard/warehouse, I'm only if the office now and again, so it's not easy for me to see what's going on all the time and to prove it.
  20. Not everyone knows the prices, especially folk that have never been in before.
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