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Everything posted by philpy

  1. Got these from lidl, nice, with a very nippy aftertaste
  2. Can hibs please give us gullan back if Nisbet is banging the goals in for them??
  3. Yes, but not mine I hasten to add. My choice is on the right...
  4. Is it quite hoppy and bitter with the elderflower??
  5. Anything that goes wrong must be blamed on airdrie United.
  6. She got a new phone yesterday. She's now discovered that she can connect it to the TV. The joys.
  7. Looks like that's Fulham going up then. Interesting to see if Bowie goes out on loan...
  8. Aye but less about Riordan, are the customers behaving? Don't think so m9
  9. I see wee deek's latest venture is going well. No social distancing, drug taking, gang members, singing offensive songs about stendel. Will the boy ever learn???
  10. I messaged them on FB and they said to call the office tomorrow - everything is posted by royal mail so they were a bit perplexed as to why I was given a DHL tracking number.
  11. Anyone else had issues with their tops being delivered?? Was issued with a DHL tracking number which is coming up as invalid. Unless the gaffer is hand delivering it to me...
  12. Won't be back at my local club for a while. A group of 8 guys were crowded round the pool table playing "killer", despite signs saying only 2 people at the table at any one time. The staff only made half hearted attempts to get them to stop, and they were getting a bit rowdy. Just didn't feel comfortable at all.
  13. One thing pissing me off is seeing masks being discarded everywhere. Put them in a bin you manky c***s!!
  14. No disrespect Philby, but that looks like the most depressing bar in the world. Not as depressing as league one though.
  15. Seen someone getting done at the one on the bypass around about Tranent this morning. I think was doing 74-75 at least. Was changing the station on the radio and just saw a flash when l looked back up. My own fucking stupid fault.
  16. Done by a speed camera in the borders this morning. Meh.
  17. I'll sometimes put my earphones in and listen to a podcast for a bit before I go to sleep, and I'll let the wife know so she doesn't disturb me. 5 minutes later I'll get a tap on the arm and she's showing me some daft video on Facebook. Never fails.
  18. That "beveragino" video. Annoying, squeaky voice bints.
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