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Everything posted by philpy

  1. Puzzled As to why laurie Ellis made the list. Sound as f**k, brilliant servant us (raith), but not enough experience I think.
  2. There's yer man. Shree points every week fae the guid honesht laddies eh.
  3. This exactly. The wife is really bad for doing it. In fact when it happened the other day I got up and opened the door again and asked her to use the handle to shut it properly.
  4. I'd actually forgotten it even existed. In fact I'm sure that's the first time I've had it.
  5. There's a chaffinch Been perched atop a telegraph pole just outside work for the last 3 days, chirping away like f**k incessantly, can I shoot the little fucker??
  6. After weeks of being sick of looking at the fucking stuff, I've decided I'm going to put a 8ft by 8ft deck up the back garden. Not building a frame though, getting a couple of 8x4 pallets from work, along with some damaged deck boards which I can cut 8ft off which I have stored aside.
  7. Given your locale... Lover's tiff? Doubt it. The guy is just a fucking idiot, plain and simple.
  8. I'm not a vegetarian, but some of the quorn stuff is decent. Had a lasagne with quorn mince tonight, was nice. Also if I fancy a kebab I'll buy the "vivera" plant based kebab, there's a shawarma one and a Greek one, very nice, and not greasy like a takeaway kebab.
  9. She'll watch a drama of some kind, and she'll hear a song on it that she likes. I'll then hear this song everytime she puts Spotify on.
  11. Just spoke to the guy from the house next door (he phoned the Police), the crackpot that lives in the house bottled his own brother over the head, then someone else bottled him. 2 ambulances were there at one point. The NHS has enough to deal with just no without these idiots.
  12. Police and ambulance turned up about 10 mins after I posted that. One of the other neighbours phoned the polis, they have 2 young kids who were wakened by it all and got a bit scared, poor wee buggers.
  13. Does anyone else duck whilst going under a low barrier into a car park??
  14. Been awake since 3.30am cause of some idiots down the street having a shouting match.
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