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Zapp Brannigan

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Everything posted by Zapp Brannigan

  1. Celtic to win this 5-1. Motherwell look a disaster everytime the ball goes near their defence. Some ball from Forrest for the first but bad goalkeeping on the other two occasions.
  2. Interesting... Who would the other target be? Taylor? Not as good a player as Lowe imo but would possibly come cheaper in fees and wages which would fit the Lawell business plan
  3. His wee dink to McLean for the 3rd still makes me hard as a rock to this day
  4. Celtic should pretty comfortably best that team at Parkhead.
  5. Overrated pish imo. Cracking deal for Celtic though. I know a lot of Celtic fans that were in denial about him leaving. "Living the dream", "Here for 10IAR" etc. Probably the same folk that'll be calling him a wee snake today ETA - If Celtic had any sense they'd go for Max Lowe. As a Dons fan I'd hate to see him go there but he's a cracking player who would absolutely stroll it
  6. Celtic fans humble A term coming straight after disrespecting their opposition a sentence previous
  7. Any chance we could bring Goodwillie back in for a one off cameo. He was absolutely sensational that night. That and the Hearts away performance where we were 3-0 up at HT made me hope he'd turned a corner.... Nope
  8. Bought my ticket for this too. Hopefully it will arrive! Excited for this one. First game of the season for me and first time back at St Mirren since the Scottish Cup game where an inspired Langfield single handedly kept Higdon from scoring about 5 past us on a freezing winter day. Any Glasgow based dandies fancy meeting up for this one?
  9. Aye I might just order from the Aberdeen ticket office tonight and take the chance. Failing that, Main stand pretending to be a distgruntled Buddy it is!
  10. We don't do e-tickets. Tickets will be available from wherever Aberdeen fans normally get away tickets and, if any are left, from the away ticket window in the North Stand from lunchtime on Sunday. Fair enough. Could try and get it delivered from the ticket office but not sure I trust my flat's. mail service. Thanks for the info about the ticket window on the day
  11. Want to head along to this one. Anyone know if an e-tickets is an option?
  12. Not keen on Hedges LB. Hurry back Greg Leigh (I hope you're not pish)
  13. If you didn't know anything about the coefficient, you will after this game. c**t hasn't stopped banging on about it!
  14. The Killie board need to take some of the blame for this. They took waaaaayyy too long to get a replacement in and when they did, brought in a guy who has never been a manger in his own right and that can barely speak english. Having said that, the team should have had enough about them to dispose of that side
  15. Sign of a good team when you can grind out a result despite not being your best innit.
  16. I thought he looked suspect as well. My fear is he has a poor season as he tries to cope with his new responsibility as captain. Hope not though obviously! How many more sitters can Cosgrove have before Main gets a shotty?
  17. VAR would be improved vastly if there was a challenge situation like in tennis. Give each team two challenges per half and if they're successful they get to keep it, if not they lose it. None of this nonsense checking every decision! ETA goal line technology should be kept as a minimum compulsory check only. The rest of to the team/management to appeal
  18. Gleeson is a victim of his lack of versatility imo. In a situation like the Kilmarnock home game at the start of last season when Devlin got sent off he had to be subbed because he can pretty much only play CM. Ball, however could fill in at CB or RB if necessary. Not an ideal situation but it doesn't require a huge reshuffle. McInnes likes a player who can play a variety of roles so I can understand his fondness of using Ball. Not too fussed he hasn't signed up again but as Football Manager would say, he's definitely a 'Useful' player
  19. Hedges seems like a promising signing. Important player in a young, good Barnsley team with his best years (hopefully) ahead of him. Not upset about Taylor either. Wasn't devastated or delighted to see him leave nor to come back. A decent CB to have as cover.
  20. Just want to address a few comments from those saying we should invest more in the squad next season with the potential Fraser / McKenna money... It's all going into the stadium. If McInnes wants a bigger budget he should reduce his own wage.
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