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Zapp Brannigan

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Everything posted by Zapp Brannigan

  1. Considine got sent off for a clean, yet forceful challenge first game of the season. That was a stick on red
  2. Can only assume he's there as a sort of mentor for Crichton. Still weird when the presenters ask each other a question before passing it off to Pressley anyway
  3. Quite impressive that Pressley can speak so coherently while barely moving his mouth. Boring as f**k mind
  4. Keep Dorrans and Adam off the ball and that's basically what it is. Pretty easy as neither of them can run anymore ETA - and the rest of the team are pish
  5. No questions on his ability going forward. Will he be able to last 90 mins most weeks though I'm not so sure
  6. Adam is an absolute unit compared to everyone else on the park. Kris Boyd used to get a hard time but jeezo
  7. Sow is just a broken footballer now. Hamilton clearly been told to take absolutely no chances and just lump it up the park whenever it comes back to him
  8. Even a 7 month absence from competitive action doesn't excuse how amateurish that defending was
  9. Been watching McGregor closely in this half. From what I've seen he's made 4 touches, 2 (failed) passes, an interception and a header. It seems to be that his role is to mark the space and make the Czechs find another option. This could possibly be his role or he's just completely playing within himself and saving his energy for the game he really cares about.
  10. For the sheer seethe from every other group of fans... Absolutely!
  11. Another Hibee to watch and learn from big Andy!
  12. Now that it's over I can comment without fear of jinxing it but big Andy was a rock tonight. Made several interceptions, not allowing their forwards to get a touch in and won everything in the air. Done his prospects of staying in the squad long term no harm at all. So chuffed for him!
  13. I mentioned earlier how I found Fraser frustrating at times tonight but there's no doubt this is the first time in a while (if actually ever?) that he's looked like replicating his club efforts for Scotland. Encouraging.
  14. Ryan Fraser is so frustrating to watch. At least 3 times he received the ball, drove at the full back and got into a good position to either take him on or get a cross in, before turning back on himself and see the ball end up back at the defence.
  15. Perhaps... Perhaps not. Maybe actually qualifying would relieve the pressure and we can go to a tournament and enjoy being there. Until then, Clarke's mandate is to get us there, by whatever means.
  16. Don't think anyone on here is saying it's amazing either but we'll take it! I was at Pittodrie when St Johnstone beat us 1-0 to qualify for Europe a few years back. Not a classic game that I can remember, but if you weren't in the away section buzzing to get into Europe and have that opportunity to experience then I feel sorry for you.
  17. Jesus Christ, min. What do you even get out of football if not to experience the small moments of joy or at least curiosity those occasions produce?
  18. We've played better and still achieved bugger all. If we get through playing awful then so be it.
  19. Cheers! Was hoping to maybe get to a game at some point but could still be a fair bit away yet anyway
  20. Apologies if this has been mentioned before but when is it Lesser Hampden is expected to be finished with redevelopment?
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