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Zapp Brannigan

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Everything posted by Zapp Brannigan

  1. The play acting and the ref buying it every time is slowly choking the game. Will suit Italy though as Spain will get frustrated the longer they don't score
  2. I think he was more than happy to sit at home in his Celtic jammies and pick up his numerous meaningless accolades than really test himself but that's just my impression
  3. Perhaps but these things don't automatically translate to international level. Sometimes a player needs to play in a different area that suits the team better
  4. I don't want to come across like I'm hating on McGregor because he absolutely has a place in this team/squad. His energy levels are remarkable and he's a very good facilitator for better players in the team like the job he does for Celtic. He just didn't do the basics right (and he wasn't alone in that regard) which was reminiscent of his early Scotland performances. Long term after the tournament he should probably be getting phased out for players who do a similar job but at a higher level like Ferguson for instance as I think he is the natural successor
  5. The result when 4/6 of the goalkeeper and defence is English Championship level at best (generous in Ralston's case), playing against guys who have won the best tournaments in the world, and it showed. The midfield were no better. McGregor back to his early Scotland career worst. He has only ever really played well whilst alongside Gilmour. He has been maybe the best, certainly the most consistent, player in Scotland for the past 5-7 years. However, scooshing the league with his beloved Celtic every year doesn't really cut it at this level I'm afraid. McGinn has been amazing for Scotland but he was practically anonymous tonight. I would be interested to see his touch numbers because I genuinely don't remember him being on the ball. A victim of his own popularity possibly because Christie and McTominay were equally poor. I've never really rated Adams but sadly for now he is probably out best option with how we want to play. I don't think chucking another striker on to help is the answer. We just need to find a way to get the rest of the team closer to him. All that said, Germany were clearly up for it and were determined to start strongly. Not that they needed much help because we were so abject with defending which would be laughable at even juvenile level. They probably could have won that game 10-0 if they wanted but clearly took mercy on us the majority of the second half. Lastly, a huge credit to the fans in the ground. A shame the team and coaching staff couldn't match your energy
  6. Devlin, Mackenzie and Rubezic all guilty of a few as well. Maybe it's just var but I never remember conceding so many penalties. Roos never looks close to saving one though
  7. A goalkeeper that can actually save penalties next season would be nice
  8. I'm out of the UK for this one. Anyone know if I can purchase the game on Red TV without having to pay a monthly/yearly subscription fee for International for just this game?
  9. Soft yellow or not. That lad Obita has been an accident waiting to happen since he got booked. Should have been subbed. Lol at this second red btw
  10. I'm not a Rovers fan but I could watch that goal over and over and over again. What a class moment
  11. I went this long into the season not knowing who United's keeper is. Definitely wasn't the case last season. Probably a preferable situation for them but way less funny. Great game so far!
  12. Too tight to call so think they just stuck with the on field decision which I can accept. VAR is still shite though
  13. Certainly looks like they've put the wrong colours to the lines in case that's the way it's supposed to be...
  14. Hopefully at whatever seaside English League club Derek Adams ends up at next that he takes Shayden Morris with him. Clearly too good for this level
  15. I feel like we've not scored a set piece since Allan Russell was coaching them and we had Ramsay pinging them in. We must be the least threatening team in the league from them. We also don't score unless it's Miovski and/or a penalty so putting all my hopes there
  16. I think it could be fixable if there is an appeals system in place. Say 1 appeal allowed per half for each team. If you are successful then you get to keep it. You would also have to explicitly say what you're appealing for. Not just - "I don't like it that the opposition scored, I'm going to appeal." For example if Rangers at the weekend said we think there was a foul on Goldson in the box then that's what gets reviewed, anything else is left to the on field decision. There can't be any other infractions assessed like in the Newcastle game where they checked 3 different things which was a nonsense. It's becoming more VR than VAR as games are being dictated by the cameras than the actual referees now so what's the point in having them on the field at all
  17. I was thinking maybe move Jensen in there and put Angus into the back 3? Mackenzie doesn't really play as a wing back and I imagine we'll try to play quite compact to start with
  18. McGarry is too much of a wannabe trickster from what I've seen of him so far. Could be entertaining further up the pitch where Duk has been "playing" but not sure I trust him in defence in a cup final tbh
  19. First of all well done to Killie, totally deserved the win. Could and should have been a humping scoreline reflective of the game. Aberdeen were dreadful... atrocious. As has been said, Robson probably deserved the job after the achievements last season but I think it's best we find something else before next weekend and the tough run of fixtures afterwards where we could really be in trouble after those. Was willing to give him a little longer but after the nonsense he came out with about the Kilmarnock pitch, I'm sorry but I don't want that kind of anti football mentality and I'm sure the players don't respect that either. They are better than this hoofball, no urgency dross we've been seeing far too much
  20. We need that guy who goes about America raking up the drains
  21. I remember being at an Aberdeen v ICT game probably about 15 years ago where there were a lot of chants aimed at him alluding to this. A quick Google shows that his wife has taken legal action to protect herself in the event he ever lifts a hand in her direction again
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