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Zapp Brannigan

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Everything posted by Zapp Brannigan

  1. The double jeopardy rule allows refs to be shitebags in those scenarios. Shouldn't be if there's no attempt on the ball. Aberdeen were punished by Hedges getting sent off against Rangers for similar. Probably just answered my own question there. Depends who you're playing against!
  2. St Johnstone should still be fine in that Hibs have been absolutely rancid
  3. How is that not a red though? No attempt to play the ball. Omg unreal saves!
  4. I'm watching a stream with no commentary and no half time presentation. All the glorious on pitch profanity without any pandering apologies. Wonderful
  5. Admittedly not Think the last game I watched them properly was the League Cup Final
  6. They've been pressing Hibs really hard. Now they have a lead they can sit in that'll invite pressure but Hibs don't seem up to much based on that first half
  7. The one positive for Hibs is that At Johnstone can't maintain this level of performance all game. They have to do so much more to earn their right to get back into it though
  8. Aside from 5 minutes where the Saintees dropped their level, Hibs have been appalling
  9. McGinn and now Newell fortunate to get away with leaving a leg in
  10. St Johnstone been the better team first 15 with Bryson and Wotherspoon pulling the strings. Could be a reverse League Cup semi final
  11. Not surprised at this at all. I think Ferguson has reached that "next level" moment. Was beginning to worry that McInnes was going to ruin him the way he was being deployed. Disappointing that it looks like we won't get to see how he might flourish under Glass because the signs are there he could be exceptional in the way Glass wants to play. Just needs to stop missing the easy chances
  12. Irvine would be a tremendous signing imo. Was quite annoyed Hibs snapped him up in January. Getting him on a free would be similar to us getting Severin all those years ago.
  13. Aye congratulations to Jack on his 1 (one) trophy he's got since leaving us. I appreciate we haven't won anything else in that time but we haven't spent millions with only a single Premiership title to show for it.
  14. Glad I'm not the only person whose noticed this! As you say, seems a decent bloke though. I don't feel he adds anything particular enlightening in terms of insight but I do enjoy his stories of times during his playing days
  15. Celtic fans are definitely the weirdest in terms of brand obsession. Will lap up all the kits, tracksuits and polos with the logo for hundreds of pounds each. Houses will be littered with "Memorabilia" (cheap tat flogged by the club). Blokes in their 60s getting Celtic birthday cakes. The list is endless.
  16. McGregor is a quality keeper, no doubt about it. I feel though that he's probably come up against vastly inferior opposition than Klos and Goram faced in their prime. This season in particular is the worst top flight in terms of attacking quality that I can remember. Rangers to their credit have taken full advantage of that.
  17. Maybe at the beginning of the season but I'd be very surprised if it was the case now. Hibs basically have two good players for every position and the CM options, in particular, would get into most teams in the league. Only two main strikers though and it's been fortunate I suppose that they've both been fit for the most part
  18. Since the 3-3 Celtic game where things all started to fall apart for one reason or another the league results have been; P16, W5, L5, D6 We've failed to score in seven of those games. It's mid table form which is exactly where we're heading. In this season of all seasons it was so important to get 3rd. Hibs have invested heavily in their squad and should really be under greater scrutiny if they don't finish there. The reason we have such high (recent) expectations is because of McInnes himself, that shouldn't be forgotten. I just feel fresh ideas are now needed. The longer it goes on, the uglier it's going to get, unfortunately.
  19. If ever a performance has defined "Writing on the Wall" this is it. Well done , Hibs. Totally deserved. Should've been a pumping
  20. I've thought Stevenson has come across pretty well in his ocassional appearances on Sportscene. Has a bit of personality about him compared with some others. I didn't really see the point in that segment though. Felt more like a Newsbeat piece about how we shouldn't body shame or judge people on their appearances (which I agree with btw). However on a show about football, it seemed a little out of place. Maybe it just didn't do anything for me as I couldn't care less about tattoos. Felt like the first time they were struggling to find something to fill the time with which is understandable in the circumstances. I didn't even make it through the guy introducing himself for the LMW before turning it off
  21. We won't know what to do if they give us it either. A lose lose
  22. There pretty much is already anyway! And at least this way it could be a situation that even fans would know what's going on. Rather than VAR seeing something that somebody else has and there's 5-10 mins delay where everyone is standing around not knowing what play has stopped for
  23. I rewatched the Band of Brothers serial recently and during the interviews of the real soldiers, this is basically what they said that they're not heroes but the ones who gave the ultimate sacrifice are. Many of them were understandably not keen to talk about their experiences for many years until the book and then program came out
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