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Zapp Brannigan

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Everything posted by Zapp Brannigan

  1. Jury is still out for me on Campbell too but I'd still rather give him an opportunity rather than Ojo. Unless we get a surprise Virtanen start
  2. Would like to see a 4231 type for this Lewis Logan Hoban Considine Leigh Ferguson Campbell Hedges Wright Kennedy Cosgrove Hedges and Kennedy can both do the defensive wide midfielder duties well enough and also provide pace on the attack/counter. Ferguson and Campbell to get stuck in in the middle. Need Cosgrove to have a good game
  3. It could be capped to prevent a hoarding of the vaccine from occurring. I understand what you're saying though. And I don't trust the government to make an arse of it / make some shady deal *delete as appropriate. Was just brainstorming alternatives that could take the strain off the NHS
  4. Could the private companies not buy stock directly from the government? Which would then be sold to people who are willing, keeping it within the UK economy. The vulnerable and financially constrained would still get their NHS jag of course. Quite rightly, pharmaceutical companies and the like shouldn't be allowed to sweep up the supply. People who have health insurance through their companies could also get vaccinated through those means since it's done privately.
  5. Probably been mentioned at some point on here but is there anything preventing private clinics performing vaccinations to people who are prepared to pay for one? I'm sure there are plenty affluent people who don't fall into the vulnerable category that could be immunised sooner and quicken the process. Seems nonsensical that the NHS should take all the burden for this if there are other pathways open
  6. Plenty 18-40s are perfectly happy queuing for a pizza or a chips n curry sauce until 4am on a freezing cold night most days of the week in normal times (pished mind you). If getting a vaccine at that time allows us to do that again sooner then bring it on! I'll even wear my vaccination certificate on a lanyard around my neck if I need to get in places
  7. Brilliant free kick but this has been dreadful stuff from Hibs
  8. Hi folks, first time commenting on this thread. Glad to see I'm not the only one who has found it difficult recently. Can only reiterate what others have said that it's good to let it out in any form. If you can't do it in person just now, then on here is as good a place. At least it's not just kept in your head! Haven't read too far back but I think DA Baracus hits the nail on the head with breaking up your day. I'm training as an engineer to work at sea, and was on a vessel with total strangers between January and June just as COVID was kicking off. Lots of uncertainty and worry about home and how my family / friends were doing and not knowing when I'd be able to get off and see them again. A very lonely and isolating time. However, having the routine as suggested helped big time. There is limited internet available anyway so could only really use WhatsApp so generally I wasn't getting much distractions. I'd usually put my phone on airplane mode around 9pm and lie in bed and read a book for an hour or so, or whenever I started to feel sleepy. I'd get up and exercise between 6-7.30 before having breakfast. Work would start around 8 with break at 10-10.30. On my break I'd usually go outside (weather permitting) and sit on deck just watching the nothingness go by, it's strangely humbling. Work again until 12 and have lunch until going back to the engine room for 1. Another break at 3-3.30, go outside again, love that fresh air! Then do a final stretch until finishing at 5. Go back to cabin, have a shower then dinner at 5.30. You can eat later if you want btw it just gets left there for you at your seat. Then in the evenings I'd study, chat with my gf, read a book or play games. Depression is a huge issue in the shipping industry and probably not enough is done about it. There is guidance on how to spot it in others and how to prevent it for yourself too. One thing that's said is to just find "a little bit of time each day for something you enjoy" it might sound trivial but it's true, it does help to just do something for you when you can. For me it was the little breaks I'd take during the day outside or playing a game in the evening. Gym in the morning also helped a lot! Not wanting to drag this post out too much longer but I feel the access to technology / communication we have makes things more difficult. A lot of crew after work would just hole themselves up in their cabin on their phone to get information and talk with loved ones. I found the deprivation of those things we use so much now quite relieving at times because I could just get on with things and focus more on me. I'd encourage anyone to take a step back from media to an extent. My gf struggled (and continues to) with lockdown and she would feel guilt at that because she'd compare it to my situation and she had much more freedom than I did. I just had to keep reminding her that there's no shame in that because we are all impacted differently with our circumstances. She works in media and actually I felt more sorry for her having to face all the anxiety inducing content she does on the daily. Anyways, I'll wrap this up now.
  9. That's not the same thing at all then. The issue is the quality of the crosses although I do feel it's a very predictable aspect of our play. Since we're pretty poor at them there's a strange reliance on them to create chances or more hope for a bit of fortune which seems most likely at the moment. The best cross we had today was when Hayes waited for a second before putting in a low one. The United defence was instantly more uncomfortable with that and barely scrambled it away for a corner. Usually it seems we just punt aimless floaters into the box which is meat and drink for most defences in the Premiership. Horribly frustrating and boring to watch
  10. I've been wondering whether he'd be better behind the strikers rather than out wide but with Wright now back I don't suspect we'll see that and we have no better option for the wing back position
  11. Not been a fan of Kennedy at all this season in general. Does a lot of running but offers very little else. Hoban has been a better right winger than him in this game for the most part
  12. United working very hard off the ball. We're very predictable in flooding the box with crosses though. Would be good to see Wright come on and maybe we can drag them around through the middle more
  13. It appears my attempt at starting a match thread has been vetoed by the sexy Stuart Duff alternative. Ah well, such is life.
  14. They just care more than any other club's fans. Nothing to do with being entitled, bad losers oh no!
  15. Madden forgetting there's no crowd to play up to. No way was that a red card
  16. Turnbull not imposing himself on the game at all. He's got a long way to go before he can be considered for the Scotland first XI. Can see Brown coming on for him shortly
  17. LC final vibes from last season. Celtic dominant but can see Rangers sneaking a winner. Gerrard perhaps taking the classic Mourinho approach of not losing the big game
  18. They don't try to be something they're not and play to their strengths very effectively. I like them. And the small fan base winds up people even further which I'm all for
  19. Anyone on here working for the Saintee's Social Media team?
  20. You see a lot of bizarre retorts on this site but going after someone's mobile OS is really grasping
  21. Usually the game that I look forward to most over the years, with some belters being played at recent times... Particularly at Tannadice. With the general apathy from both sets of fans towards their team it's maybe hard to get too excited about this fixture while we're not able to attend. I don't expect a classic. 0-0 or 1-0 with us getting the penalty we should've had in the first meeting between the sides. Kennedy to cross to nobody umpteen times again.
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