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Zapp Brannigan

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Everything posted by Zapp Brannigan

  1. Hibs fans lauding their team for the type of performance they've been lambasting Aberdeen for the past 24 months. *mock outrage head shake and cuh!* Welcome to the shitfest. You're going to love (hate) it
  2. Sounds like Livingston have been lucky to keep 11 on the park with Sibbald and Devlin offending repeatedly despite already on bookings.
  3. Ughhh. Maybe being harsh here but I think the keeper has to do better with that shot from Christie.
  4. Christie's touch and movement around the box is incredible, although his crossing has been mince. Shooting at every opportunity as well
  5. Quite like those Kyiv tops apart from the Ukraine flag making it look like it's from a game of Pro Evo.
  6. I had a dream the other day that Bryson scored his first goal for us. It was in a 4-0 win at home and not against St Johnstone as far as I can remember but still... make it so.
  7. The perfect end to the McGinn love story would be for him to score the winner against Celtic in the Scottish Cup final and give it the girfuy gesture to them, tapps aff, revealing his "I love the Dandies 4eva" tattoo on his chest by his heart. Probably not going to happen though.
  8. Possibly my favourite away day of all time. And I've been to Groningen, Rijeka and the Arnason v Utd game to name a few. I moved away from Scotland for a while shortly after this so it was the perfect send off (not counting the Hibs cup game after)
  9. I randomly watched the highlights of that game yesterday. He ripped Hearts several new arseholes that day! Eta: if someone with better computer tech skills than me could make a gif of the whole sequence of his goal in that game then I'd love that. Thanks! Inter-spliced with that wrestler falling off his chair meme at every "done yi" moment would be preferable.
  10. Sturgeon obviously doesn't watch much, if any, football in Scotland. If it's on a yellow card now, Scott Brown will be able to break protocol about a dozen more times before we see the red come out
  11. I'm pretty sure Ross mentioned being on the phone to McInnes for advice during that time. Mystery solved
  12. Maybe a bit harsh on the keeper but I think he should cut out the ball for the 2nd. Taylor whips it in but it's close enough that he should be coming for it imo
  13. Very impressed with Hamilton. Putting Aberdeen's "performance" yesterday to shame. Could end up getting a doing but still
  14. Looking at the way Hamilton have started against Celtic, it astounds me that we can't apply ourselves the same way against both Celtic and Rangers at home. Of course Hamilton might end up getting a pumping but they've had more opportunities already than we had in the whole of the game yesterday. Playing some really nice stuff as well which is more than what can be said for what was served up to us. The fear factor we carry into these games sadly comes from the manager. As I type this Celtic go 1-0 up but have at least had to work for it.
  15. Y'know boys, a good leader needs many skills, such as boldness, daring and a velour uniform. And I'm not convinced McInnes has any of those things.
  16. First to say, I love the alias GG. That Ripping Yarn is a belter! I've wondered who we'd replace him with as well. I've been wondering whether an up and coming coach like Shaun Maloney or Jody Morris at Chelsea might capture the imagination. Both at teams who play an attacking brand of football with a wealth of contacts in the game. Might not be willing to leave their relatively cushy jobs mind you but I'm trying to think more out the box than the usual suspects. Also fond of the Cowley brothers who got punted (harshly imo) by Huddersfield recently. Brought Lincoln up from nothing. Remains to be seen if they can replicate that again but I'll be keeping an eye on their next move
  17. I've also noticed in the past couple days that McInnes has gotten criticism for his recent comments regarding Gerrard and the job he's done at Rangers. I don't really know what people expect him to say. If he says something antagonistic then he'll be accused of giving the media and Rangers something to feed off of ahead of the game. I guess he could say I'm not here to talk about Steven and his club thank you, only Aberdeen. But it just seems so many are fed up with him and take any excuse to pick on anything he says/does. He deserves his share of criticism of course but some of it is so petty.
  18. Depends what you're referring to when you say civilised. If you mean on a cultural level then I agree Aberdeen is miles behind in that area. But there are factors such as funding, that central belt areas have received significantly more of than Aberdeen from the government to implement and improve. There have been a few independent organisations recently that have taken it upon themselves to improve the cultural scene in Aberdeen. Nuart for instance brings in artists from all over the world to paint murals on the city walls and spaces. They host walking tours throughout the summer so people can see them. I hope the pandemic doesn't see things like this disappear completely. Central belt areas, however, have a higher violent crime rate than Aberdeen. Do you consider that civilised? Again, factors such as higher population density is going to make this more understandable. But it also reinforces the fact that you can't make sweeping generalisations about things without considering other factors involved.
  19. Perhaps not, I'll never know. You have the right to your opinion just like anyone else. Having experienced both sides as well, I can say that Glaswegians are probably more open than Aberdonian's so they appear more immediately friendly. I can find it obnoxious sometimes depending on the person but that's maybe the reserved Aberdonian side of me
  20. Aye I'Broch has a bit of a reputation. But to suggest everyone from there or Aberdeen(shire) is like what you said is nonsense. Some people have probably grown up and lived in the same area their whole life and there perhaps is a "fear of outsiders" mentality. But that's not something specific to Aberdeen(shire). Assuming you're from Ireland because of your alias, you've probably been subjected to some form of prejudice in your life. But I don't automatically assume you're a drunk that smashes up pubs and frightens / attacks locals with anti-social behaviour on the streets. Because I've met those guys. But I've also met teetotalers, probably because they've witnessed enough of what I just described. To summarise, there's arseholes everywhere. Unless you're unfortunate enough that you have to work with them, you don't have to associate with them. But in my experience, they're outnumbered by the good guys if you're prepared to look.
  21. Cormack seems pretty ruthless and if rumours are to be believed that he's not a big fan of McInnes then changes could be made. Probably not before the end of the season though. Who would people like instead? Could Maloney perhaps be managerial material and worth contacting?
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