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Everything posted by LondonHMFC

  1. Bloody awful place, always cold. Always kept in waiting for buses after the match.
  2. Played for Ross County at youth level I believe.
  3. Lazio currently playing a friendly now, Balde left out the squad, and he has tweeted that he was ready to play.
  4. Think Everton had a bid rejected for him earlier in the window as well.
  5. West Ham apparently agreed a fee with Lazio for Balde for just under £30 million but would be really surprised if he ended up there. Leiva has come into Lazio, and reportedly on around £100k a week. With Biglia already going, and it looks like Balde will move this summer, I am wondering if the likes of Savic/Immobile/De Vrij might look to leave.
  6. I had always had the idea of going into teaching, then got lumbered with my Mrs who is a teacher and I can honestly say it has put me off for life. Holidays are great, but for the likes of the summer holiday, would say a good week and a half at least is used up planning for the new term. Also only one of her mates is a teacher, so a lot of the time in the holidays she is at home on her tod (or so she says). Obviously you won't have that issue. Not allowed any extra days off, which is fair enough really, but makes it bit of a pain to arrange long weekends etc. Most nights she will come home around half 5ish and then work till about 8. A lot of marking and planning. The other thing that really gets to her is the lack of funding schools have, it is bloody criminal. They had five members of staff start an attachment course, but had to withdraw them as they couldn't budget it. Would stress this is down south and not in Scotland. A couple of her teaching friends are moving over to Dubai and Saudi Arabia to teach next year, so that is an option we are currently keeping an eye on.
  7. Biglia was signing some autographs for Milan fans yesterday and was asked to speak, so said "Forza Lazio" which has gone down incredibly well, given Lazio and Inter's friendship.
  8. Watched the last episode of Ackley Bridge last night, not sure if they have been given a second series? Quite enjoyed it throughout though. That science teacher is an absolute WID.
  9. Doing the game in Utrecht, then going to watch Eindhoven V Roda on Saturday.
  10. Biglia finally looks set to leave Lazio and join AC Milan. Lucas Leiva from Liverpool going to Lazio.
  11. That was my favourite FM, racked up a stupid amount of hours on it. Tempted to give it another go now, whilst waiting for the new one.
  12. I still find it mad that they are pushing this rule, if anything, to me it almost seems worse that clubs will only interview a black candidate because they have to. Not because he/she has the correct skills for the job. Maybe I am being naive to it, but I honestly believe if there was a black manager who was good enough for a job and proved to be better than other applicants, he would get the job. I can't imagine anyone now, factoring their bloody skin colour into it.
  13. This. I gave up listening a good couple years back, found him far too much to handle. Which is a shame, because the likes of Tim Vickery were really informative to listen to. Not listened to the Football Ramble in ages, but will probably give it a go again at some stage. Might be wrong but a couple of the guys who are on it, seem to have a spot on Talksport now, is that right? Either that or incredibly similar voices. Jimmy Bullards Magic Sponge podcast had me close to tears on several occasions, really liked that. Mainly as the people he had in were real journeymen footballers. Had Joe Jordan on once, who was a nightmare to interview, gave them nothing. KUMB (Knees Up Mother Brown) podcast is essential listening for any West Ham fan, a lot of ex players and a couple of managers. Some really good insightful chats on there.
  14. Really think he will be a decent signing for Aberdeen, West Ham signed him from Bristol City (when McInnes was in charge) to help on the promotion push. Thought he was a very good little player, a lot of pace and worked like f**k. Scored two absolute beauties for us as well. Unfortunately found himself behind Carlton Cole and Vaz Te who were bang in form. Took a bad injury in the pre-season before the return to Premiership, and then broke his leg. Allardyce commented on numerous occasions that he thought he had the potential to crack the Premiership, only the timing of his injuries stopping him get a chance.
  15. Thanks mate, just managed to get a return to Carlisle without a railcard for £26. Much appreciated. Also plenty of time to get to Villa park if you get a cab.
  16. Hooked to Ackley Bridge at the moment, never watched Waterloo Road which a lot say it is a direct copy of.
  17. The reason that toothpaste occasionally burns your tongue when you use it, is because it contains three ingredients that are often found in curries.
  18. Yep, found a few of those, and they were rammed full of undesirables. Wasn't that impressed with Oslo. Moss was lovely though, lovely little town, with some fantastic restaurants.
  19. Worked with a bloke like this before, proper 50/50 as to what mood he would turn up in. Formerly in the army, or claimed to be. Could never decided if I thought he was talking shit or not. On my first day, he took me out into the yard to show me the layout and noticed I had a pen and notebook (just to jot down pieces of information) he took them off me "for a look" and promptly threw them in a skip before proclaiming "You won't need these here you fanny". Unfortunately I did need them as I worked in the office. We never got on particularly well.
  20. Work on a floor of about 30 folk, most are alright and let me get on with browsing the web all day. However not one of them likes football. No interest in it whatsoever.
  21. Would love to drink whiskey, my old man and Grandad both enjoy a dram (Talisker and Te Bheag being the favourites respectively) but at 18, I drunk a bottle of Whyte & Mackay and promptly spewed my load everywhere. Since then, even the smell of whiskey gives me a cold shiver. Just wondering if there would be a good one to try and get a taste for, a friend suggested Aberlour?
  22. Me and a mate went to Gdansk about two years back for a game on a Saturday afternoon, then were going to fly back after. Unfortunately it got moved to the evening so we didn't get to go. Had a look at the ground though and it is absolutely quality. Found a little supporters club type bar (I saw bar, it was a static caravan) and as we walked in the place fell silent. We quietly supped our 30p beers before being joined by two mad Polish b*****ds who insisted we drunk vodka with them. Long story short, we missed our flight and had to get home the next day. Still didn't make the bloody football.
  23. Adele is on at Wembley this weekend, and it seems most of the office is going. Predominately women, and by f**k it is killing me hearing them plan their trip. Cannot decide on the best route in or out, a few have said they will drive as the queues won't be THAT bad. They just seem to make such a meal out of the most basic things.
  24. Fucking load of pish. Sacked with two games to go being 5 points off the play offs. Really odd league, they have four sections of the season (9 games a section) and whoever is top at the end of the section gets a place in the play off.
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