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Everything posted by HopeStreetWalker

  1. He is beyond saving or having a civil debate with. Dawson Park Boy is now on record that he is a Tory ! Tory - Definition from the Irish Toiraidh meaning Pursued Men due their behaviour. Since he forms his opinion from the Daily Mail, The Telegraph and The Sun it explains a lot and Toiraidh is very apt description of the deranged one !
  2. If they are not going to wear masks they could at least wear brown cloaks and have a bell each to ring accompanied by the chant of Unclean ! Unclean ! when they come in the vicinity of their fellow human beings.. They may not care a damn about their own safety but what sticks in my craw is they don't give a damn about the people they might infect. Even better carry this note. To who it may concern. I ( name eg Dawson Park Boy ) having caught Covid19 by my own free will. Do not want any help or medical treatment as I do not want to compromise my fellow human beings health due to this life endangering situation I now find myself in. Signed ----------
  3. Tom Forsyth an appreciation. Lot of people think Tam or Jaws as he was called was nothing more than a hard man are wrong. Hard man ? yes oh yes. But he could sort somebody out in a fair tackle and that takes skill and timing. He was also an under rated footballer with good close control and passing ability. My memory that will stick with me was a Scotland v Wales game at Hampden. Terry Yorath was boasting before the game he was going to do this, he was going to do that, so and so would not have the ball for long you get the drift. Anyway Terry was running with the ball full pelt until Tam put in a challenge - none of the sliding business. Upright challenge on the run won the ball. Yorath came to an instant halt as he emptied his lungs, snotters and spit. It was like something out the Dandy arm and a leg on the left and arm and a leg on the right. The Ooooooooph from Yorath could be heard by all. Of Tam went leaving the mangled lump in a heap. He was not seen for the rest of the game - not interested if Tam was within 30 yards of him For the rest of the game the chant was - Tam Forsyth they call him jaws - He's got Yorath by the the balls.
  4. Clubs like any employer can only do so much with regards to Health and Safety at work. This is what you do. This is what you don't do. People work in dangerous environments and are well aware that their actions not only compromise their own safety but those that work beside them. In any other working environment and situation all of the players involved would have been sacked on the spot. The union would have had the frame of mind hell mend you ! After all their actions endangered fellow union members. Clubs deserve a fine but proportional as they will have done all they could. As for the players / arseholes / bampots whatever - hefty fines on top of the clubs and lengthy suspensions.
  5. Got to start somewhere ! Roddy Manley - Brian Irvine - David Weir - Gary Smith come to mind.
  6. It's called due diligence ! It is usually the Company secretary to be the impartial party that ensures this is carried out.
  7. Jon Mitchell ? free agent. Could cover all positions in defense and a midfield option as well.
  8. It depends on how realistic the business plans were the clubs put together. With so many variables it would be good business practice to base the budget on the worse case scenario. With that you factor a further minus into the figures you base your budget on. Have courses of action already in place for whatever scenario unfolds. Get this wrong as you highlighted then football clubs will go out of business. It's only a matter of time !
  9. No ! to answer your question, my agents were out on missions, can't say more Official Secret Act and all that LOL. But you make a good point it comes down to the fine print in contracts as Shadwell helpfully highlighted. The examples you gave had the clout to get things tied up so tight the clubs had no wriggle room. Meanwhile I suspect Scottish clubs cut and pasted Shadwells example. Lets hope it does not come to that. If it does some clubs won't survive.
  10. Was not being brutal or cynical with my post, that was never my intension after all these are peoples lives and jobs we are talking about. What I was pointing out the harsh reality of the oncoming situation regarding jobs all over the economy and importantly employers harsh choices to be bade just to survive. Football clubs are not isolated from that reality. Like many others on the forum I have lost a job during my working life with the worry and stress in getting another one. So have been there and its not nice. Hope this post clarifies my personal feelings regarding peoples jobs, it was never my intent to offend.
  11. Thanks for that it was very helpful. The players are just like everybody else, trying to hold down a job. They deserve our goodwill and support whatever team they play for. Am sure they are more angry than the fans at how their fellow professionals have let themselves down, their team mates down, their clubs down and more damning their fellow players whos jobs they have put at risk. I fear there will be another incident ! it's a matter of time.
  12. All depends on the contract of employment the employee signed.
  13. As I have said in the past. Contracts signed must have a get out clause just like any other employer should the worse happen. If the club have got players on a contract that does not have this release clause then they are endangering the whole future of FFC.
  14. No reference to that on your post. What's that over there ? It's Dawson Park Boy going over the horizon with his credibility.
  15. The forum owe me a debt of gratitude that Dawson Park Boy on this post has announced (and we all know how he likes to stand by his comments) that from now on he is keeping his views to himself.
  16. Well Nicola Sturgeon made it clear. This is a yellow card - next time its Red ! They cannot say they ain't been told. Now on the football field the captain would get his players well and truly told just how serious this is for the team and the manager waiting for them in the dressing room to puncture the over inflated egos that have compromised the club.
  17. He will be a different player to the one that left he's 5 years older for a start but more experienced to balance the maybe the drop off is some other aspects of his play.
  18. What Durnan needs is the right sort of central defender beside him, somebody in the Gary Smith style would get the best out of him. if there is a position in a team that is a partnership its the central defenders. Get that right and the team gets built round them. Fullbacks on either side and the midfield in front of them. M&M know this and am sure they will be working with what they have got to make it work. If they can't look out for a signing ! Still got a feeling it's 3 at the back !
  19. Good signings in particular the age range. Going to be interesting to see the line up and formation M&M come up with. Goodwill aplenty from the fan base so its up to the players to deliver.
  20. Not so ! open to the public, there are more to them than just stacking up boxes of stuff like your Tesco comparison. Have a look at their website ! impressive.
  21. Just bored with the Covid19 line of discussion over the weekend. It got to the point that the same thing was being said over and over again using different words. FFS it's a football fanzine for football fans. There are plenty of Covid subject forums out there to cover the subject, just an observation. As being a bossy organizer ! well that gave me a chuckle. Just a person that can see past the trees and know it's a forest I am looking at, but to be fair I do like to stick to agendas on matters being discussed. Have spent far to many hours at meeting enduring pointless waffle that has nothing to do with the objective of the discussion. Oh wad god give the gift ta gei us tae see oorsels as ithers see us.
  22. How about getting back to discussing all things FFC. We have all had our well intentioned say on this virus - lets move on. So what positions do the forum think M&M have to fill. Me first. Goalkeeper. Versatile defender come midfielder. Midfielder with with a bit of pace, stamina and work rate. ( 2020 version of Jim Shirra would do fine ) That is the minimum we can get away with. If we can afford another forward all the better. Thoughts ?
  23. Because they are not draconian. It is a a set of conditions laid down for community safety allowing partial lifting of the restrictions as the virus is eliminated. The majority of the people have bought into it due to good communication as to why these restrictions have been put in place. That is why there have been no deaths in Scotland on the methodology used for 23 days, its been a communal effort that achieved it. These are extraordinary circumstances we are living in that require extraordinary courses of action. Remember these restrictions have to be renewed every 3 weeks and can be voted down at any time so there are checks and balances to ensure no abuse of power.
  24. It's all a matter balancing risks. You can take all the precautions there are but there will always be a margin of risk unless you can eliminate the cause. Here is an example. There is a manufacturing process that results in a dangerous substance dust, aerosol , gas etc being released. First question can you replace the product that is the source ? No ! Can you change the process to stop the release of the contaminate ? No ! Can you isolate the process from human presence ? No ! Can you change the process so the contaminate is brought down to acceptable and safe levels ? No ! You then come down to the appropriate PPE to keep the individual safe. So in the case of Covid19. The Scottish Governments F.A.C.T.S make perfect sense and and reasonable person buys into it. If you don't then you are no better than the idiot that does grinding without protective eye protection and complains if they get blinded. In the end you are your own safety officer.
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