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Everything posted by Matty-RCFC

  1. We had more points after 2 games last season than we do after 10 this season. However, I do get the point you’re making in terms of defensive capabilities (or lack of) and just general schoolboy errors.
  2. If I were you I certainly wouldn’t renew until he’s gone.
  3. Baldwin is hopeless. Worse than Coll Donaldson and that is saying something. Alex Robertson hasn’t played much; to be fair the one position we haven’t needed so far this season has been in behind the striker as Spittal has made that position his own. Looks like he’s got something about him though. I hate the general P&B shite of “you’re definitely going to win cause we’re shite” (or something of that ilk) as much as the next person, however there is genuinely no doubt in my mind that Dundee will, at the very least, score 2 goals in this game. We’re so bad at the back it’s actually laughable.
  4. That was probably the most frustrating game of the season so far and, by f**k, there’s been a few. From a county perspective, I genuinely wonder what we do on a defensive basis in training. The goals are typical schoolboy shit but it’s been typical schoolboy shit for 3/4 years. MM keeps giving it the “cut out the bad goals” shout but how is that possible when we have a plethora of centre backs that cannot do the basics of defending. Whoever scouted, and then signed, Jack Baldwin deserves sacked. Honestly worse than Coll Donaldson. In terms of going forward, some of our attacking patterns are excellent and if we had a clinical striker we would probably have been out of sight by the time we even got the penalty. Unfortunately we’ve a useless lump of shite up there who’s more interested in blaming others for his wrongdoings than getting on the end of decent crosses into the box. Thought Hungbo and Charles-Cook were immense, as they have been all season. Alongside Spittal and Clarke, they are the only ones that can take pride from the season so far. Coming against an upwards looking Dundee on Wednesday, then it’s back to sides looking to getting european football. Cannot see a way out of this unless something changes. Can’t see anything changing though.
  5. I can’t see him being binned personally. Especially after that woeful statement he gave the day before appointing MM, about building over the next few years and finding our identity again. Birthday caird pish.
  6. Haven’t seen much of Livi this season. Highly doubt they’re worse than us though. We’re pish. 1-3.
  7. I was very much a “give the guy another chance to prove himself” at the start of the season. However, neither he, nor the club, properly addressed the elephant in the room when he joined and still haven’t, he made a c**t of the interview which gave him the opportunity to actually show he’d changed, and also hasn’t won a game on the football side of things. This has completely U-turned my personal stance on the whole thing - and I am very much a glass half full person. Can’t fathom why people would be behind him now really.
  8. Last season especially, can remember him missing several chances that cost us numerous points.
  9. I wouldn’t say so no. He was extremely wasteful in a county shirt and got a lot of his goals from the penalty spot. Sure, you’ve still got to score the penalty, but he was far from clinical in his time with us.
  10. He scored 15 goals in 78 appearances for County in the Premiership over the space of 3 seasons. That’s just under 1 goal every 5 games. How can you say that he would’ve thrived in a better, yet similar side when he has that sort of conversion rate? It’s not as if County have struggled to create chances over the years - we just haven’t had a goal scorer since Boyce.
  11. I agree. And that’s solely down to Roy for appointing him and Malky for signing shite. But it still doesn’t negate that Billy Mckay isn’t good enough for the prem anymore.
  12. I still don’t think he’s good enough for premiership football anymore though. Especially towards the end of last season, everybody was saying they wouldn’t mind him being shipped on which was an indication as to him no longer be of the required standard. However, I would agree that he’s better than anything we’ve currently got.
  13. This is certainly the most disconnected the fans have been from the club in a long time. Easy seeing that by attendances at games. It’s not even November but speaking to people around me at the game yesterday it just seems like there’s very little interest. Can only see that interest decreasing the longer Malky is in the job. In terms of Malky, his signings have been awful. Harry Clarke looks the only capable one, whilst Hungbo has shown signs of promise. Everyone else is an imposter really. Unfortunately, it does seem as though Roy is bought into this “process” pish and I cannot see him sacking Malky any time soon.
  14. Aye I thought this myself. Such a hard thing to prove either way. Understand they have to go through the whole process of an investigation but it must be very tough to prove whether the culprit was guilty or not.
  15. Genuine question, what do we honestly think it would take to get rid of Malky? I firmly believe that if we get relegated this season he’ll still be manager next season, as Roy seems really bought into this whole process pish.
  16. Didn’t make the game today, surely someone in the away end that can clarify what the f**k happened?
  17. Must’ve been watching a different Hungbo than me. Got past his man near enough every time and either picked out a pass/cross or got a shot. May have had a penalty too but need to see it back before making judgement on that. From a county perspective, thought we played very well and plenty cause for optimism. Same old pish with two shit goals killing us. I’m not too concerned as we’re creating chances and I do think we did generally defend well, but of course points are what matters and we need to start getting some on the board (stating the obvious I know.) On another note, thought the mince pie at Motherwell was very decent today.
  18. Considering how tough a start to the season we have had, to have picked up points and not be at the bottom is more than I was expecting. Feel as if we need to start getting 3 points on the board soon though or we’ll just get into the habit of losing games.
  19. I too share the view that there were plenty positives to take from the game today. I struggle to remember a team coming to Dingwall and giving us a battering like we got first 30. Rangers’ patterns of play and movement off of the ball was a genuine lesson and there would’ve been few teams that would’ve been able to contain them. This caused us to sit so far inside our own half that whenever the ball got to Big Jordan White up top everyone was 20 yards off of him and the waves of attack started again. However, once we got a bit of luck with our goal, I thought we more than matched Rangers second half and on another day may have taken something from the game. I thought each of the new signings that played today were looking extremely promising - Clarke is quick and reads the game well. Cancola is full of energy and can pick a pass. Whilst Left Back isn’t Ben Paton’s primary position, I thought he generally defended okay and held his own. Hungbo also looks extremely exciting; quick, strong and direct. Ultimately we need to get points on the board, that’s obvious. However today was our first game with a new formation and that will take time to implement a style on the team. I’m certainly in a glass half full mindset, but I don’t think it’s anywhere near as bad as some fans are making out to be and maybe one more winger and one more left back and I think we’ll be looking in good shape.
  20. Hibs a class above and a team that we won’t be competing with come the end of the season. In my personal opinion, not the end of the world as were 2 games in but we look worryingly lacklustre up top. Unfortunately still stuck with a lot of the shite from last season hence the same characteristics creeping in, and realistically we could have Owen Coyle or Pep Guardiola as the manager and that group of players would still concede shite goals - second goal for example is criminally bad. No need to push the panic button yet but certainly a lot of room for improvement. From a Hibs perspective, certainty took the foot off the gas in the second half. Magennis was different class and I thought Doyle-Hayes and Doig had very good games as well. Criminal matching Iacovitti up with Boyle but I’m not paid to make those decisions. Certainly think it could be an interesting battle up that top end of the table this season.
  21. With the club allowed 5000 without having to apply to the council for more, would be stunned if away fans weren’t given pretty much full allocations outside the Old Firm games.
  22. Harsh to say the team has zero creativity before anybody has seen any of these new boys play. Sure, they could be crap, but writing them off already is unfair.
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