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Brother Blades

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Posts posted by Brother Blades

  1. 2 minutes ago, Jaggy McJagface said:

    I think Catherine Ryan basically said it was a combination of not wanting to be sued into oblivion by his army of lawyers and the fact she wasn’t a victim herself so it wasn’t her place to make it public. I imagine that’s why others were the same.

    Yeah, I’ve read elsewhere that there was also the possibility of a Super Injunction too, which makes Sloss appear more of a good guy.

    If Fielding, Ross etc don’t comment, they are either complicit or cowards. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, Mark Connolly said:

    I might be mixing up Ayrshire posters, but didn't QLP get done for stealing credit card details (and then using them) from itzdrk and the ex-mrs qlp, who at that point was mrs itzdrk?

    Didn’t know that, but it’s a bit unfair criticising posters for not knowing what would happen 9 years in the future? 

  3. A thoroughly dislikable individual, I’m embarrassed to say that I thought some of the stuff he highlighted on The Trews interested me especially his anti-Westminster / Pro Indy stuff. 

    Like @carpetmonster says, that is grim reading indeed, another case of a celebrity thinking they can get away with anything & others around them making excuses, ignoring it etc as they are “the talent” what a c**t. 

  4. Some really fantastic points made in the last few pages. 

    I’m not of the Vincent persuasion where every Rangers fan should be reviled, I’ve got a couple of Rangers supporting mates, likewise & to a lesser extent my two best mates are Celtic fans (STs for over 25 years) and more decent human beings I couldn’t really hope to meet, but when it comes to their club, the hackles are up, there are certain Tifos that they have found embarrassing & condemned without prompting by me, but in general they see their club as victims in all this, not part of the instigation. Tbf, they both left a CSC when they started playing rebel tapes on the bus & decided to travel by car instead of listening to that, especially as there were a few kids on the bus. 

    So I guess I’m saying I reject that all Rangers / Celtic fans are bigots / apologists. 

    That said, they are both a stain on our game & if the boards - I include Celtic in this, wanted to get rid of that element of the support, they could do it very easily, Sectarian singing from a section of the ground? Entire section closed for next game. Persistence- lose your ST & banned from ground, the “majority” would certainly take the “minority” to task,  would take about 6 months for it to be eradicated from both grounds, but it’s not in their interest financially. 

  5. 1 hour ago, craigkillie said:


    I would argue in terms of pure tournament outcomes that Southgate is the most successful England manager in decades. A Euros final and World Cup SF and QF puts him well ahead of anyone other than Ramsey.

    I’d agree with the above, but I’d say he’s also arguably got a greater talent pool to select from, previous managers had to select teams from jobbers like Beckham, Scholes, Shearer, Gascoigne, Linekar etc. 

  6. 4 hours ago, RandomGuy. said:

    Italy had 3 Brazilians in their Euro winning squad.

    Frances Euro 2016 winners had 3 players born outside France too.

    I thought maximum squad was 23? 

    You are now telling me that Italy had 3 Brazillion? 

  7. No problem with any of the granny rule players or their commitment but this does seem to be different in that it does seem rather mercenary.

    The other thought that occurred to me was that IF the rumours about Elliot Anderson are true & England have tapped him up rather than letting him become ineligible if he got enough caps for us, is this Barnes maybe flashing his knickers in Southgates direction to see if he reacts? Obviously all speculation on my part & I’d be delighted to be proven wrong & Barnes comes to us & shows the passion & commitment of Adams, Dykes, Mctominay etc. 

  8. I don’t  think there is any such thing as friendly between us & England & I hope & expect Clark & the team to go all out to win this, momentum is very important in football & going into the Spain game will look a lot different if we get a positive result against one of the strongest European nations than if we experiment & get pumped.

    I’m more confident of a win against England than I have been in around 30 years. 

  9. 1 minute ago, Pie Of The Month said:

    Nah it was really just a thread about the game being moved and people kept using it in the absence of a match thread. Probably better to start afresh and not have people go through a couple of pages of ticket chat.

    Yeah, a fresh match thread is required, especially for folk that haven’t been delving into the venue change thread, don’t delete.

    I’d imagine it’ll be very busy tomorrow. 

  10. 33 minutes ago, velo army said:

    The game's tomorrow but still no match thread. I don't imagine this reflects the the excitement surrounding the game as I for one have been looking forward to this game since June.

    I'm head over heels in love with this team and I honestly think we're going to win the rest of our qualifying games. I don't feel any sort of trepidation surrounding this game and I do believe we'll win comfortably.

    3-0 Scotland.

    My man! 

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