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Brother Blades

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Posts posted by Brother Blades

  1. I’d be absolutely delighted to have any combination of results that mean we qualify tonight with fans in the stadium, it’ll be great to qualify by Norway slipping up but so much sweeter tonight.

    Added Rodri toys out the pram for the giggles please. 

  2. I think the SNP are suffering from fatigue of government, it’s galling as I see them as the only reasonable path to Independence, there’s certainly a lack of talent in Holyrood at the moment - that’s all parties btw. 

    I’m a fervent nationalist & desperately want Independence & still believe even this faltering SNP / Green governance is WAY better than any alternative available in Scotland. 

    However, I recognise that the SNP need a huge injection of talent & especially, someone charismatic that can get the nationalist vote motivated again. I fear for the GE. 

  3. f**k LIV c***s, I’d keep Donald for next time with Rose as senior VC if he’s not good enough to make playing squad. Donald deserves so many plaudits for this weekend, true leader. I love this Euro team!Girfuy yanks. 

  4. The UK could take some decent hints from the youth of Ayr, the entire country needs set ablaze, it’s a fucking disgrace of a country. 

    The further to the right, Braverman & her ilk move, the further to the right the entire political structure lurches. 

    The eventual outcome will inevitably be her declaring herself unsuitable for Britishness & condemning herself to death. 

  5. Used to have a very proficient shoplifter selling his wares in my local in mid 2000’s. 

    One of my pals who is a bit of a flash c**t decided he wanted a huge bottle of champagne for his (new) girlfriends birthday party. So asked our Gillette supplier to pinch it. Said bottle was about 2 1/2 feet tall! Was easily lifted from the local Tesco, f**k knows how he got out with it.

    Cut to the birthday party & big build up to the champagne being opened only for there to be no pop from the cork, turns out it was a promotional/ advertising item & it was just water inside. 


  6. 32 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

    It's a thing I watched the pros on TV claim was essential years before I started doing it, and lo and behold they were right! 

    Yeah, so true, the starch from the pasta water is essential, makes such a difference, I was scared that it would make the sauce too watery, but it doesn’t! 

  7. 37 minutes ago, Squeaks Snowy Bicycle said:

    You ask me a serious question after red dotting my post above which any person with a bit of compassion wouldn't. 

    Why do you want to know anyway?

    Oooooh feelings hurt by a wee red circle? 

    I judge the post, not the poster. I disagreed with what you said, hence the dot. So, are you Christian? 

  8. 1 minute ago, Squeaks Snowy Bicycle said:

    I am none of the things you state and I also do not celebrate another person being dead. 

    I also do not sing disgusting songs like the Harry Kane one.

    I am better than that and I really wish that my fellow Scots were.

    Obviously not though reading this thread.

    Are you Christian by any chance? Serious question. 

  9. It’s worth bearing in mind that ALL international football is political, it’s countries playing other countries, all of whom have had their borders defined by war & politics at some point in history.  The level of venom in each fixture relies entirely on the previous politics between the two countries - Germany & Netherlands a prime example. 

    Surely the booing of an anthem isn’t too big a deal? 

  10. If people don’t like the singing of Lizzies in a box, maybe they should have prayed harder so that God could have saved her? 

    The Royal family are the definition of parasites so f**k them & all who sail in them.

    The Harry Kane stuff is awful though & needs to stop. 

  11. Let’s not pretend this is confined to the entertainment industry, it’s about all people who think they are are in power & must be protected at all costs.

    Just look at all the bullying / sexual advances etc in the UK parliament! If that happened at the same rate in a general workforce, it would be regarded as shocking.

    Prince Andrew! Why we kept quiet & didn’t storm the palaces to reclaim at least the £12m we paid for that nonce to avoid charges, it’s another example of power & money = no consequence.

    High profile sports stars, seems to be mainly footballers, but not confined to that, think that it’s ok to to abuse & bully, it’s unacceptable.

    This is sadly just another example in a long litany of abuses of power. It makes me sad that these people are protected until the point they can’t possibly be. 


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