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Everything posted by Theroadlesstravelled

  1. It all makes sense when you remember that he’s a billionaire.
  2. Extinction Rebellion are having a get together in London if anyone is interested -
  3. Charlie Adam is giving me John Brown vibes. Talks shite, has terrible teeth, is a rabid *** and probably stinks of pish and stale booze.
  4. So cute that Man Utd fans are annoyed that Man City might sign Ronaldo. Made up franchise rivalries are fun.
  5. I’ve been put off getting a train in Germany since all that hullabaloo in the 1940s.
  6. Calling it The Universal Credit didn’t work for The Rangers and it won’t work here.
  7. Why would you have a drier and not use it? Hanging clothes out on the line like the Vietcong is for gimps.
  8. We need boosters but that was always the case. That chart is for people aged 60+. I’d be interested to see the same chart for non old foggies.
  9. Britain is shite. Anyone who loves it that much is OFTW.
  10. I don’t want to listen to any of his pish but I’d be vaguely interested to hear what side a socialist, right winger comes down on for the Afghanistan debate. One or two words will be enough.
  11. Opens Covid thread. Sees something called Covid-22
  12. Arsenal fans are cants. You don’t see Villa fans on here acting Billy big baws even though they’ve won the league more times than Chelsea.
  13. It also means that Biden’s fan boys have someone to blame other than the senile, old fool.
  14. Why can I vote for both East Stirlingsure and Falkirk on question 1 but not both teams in question 2 and 3?
  15. Didn’t outhouses used to be made of wood? And still are in Fife.
  16. Delicious that Daily Mail readers are realising that the British Army is really just a few glorified security guards. Just waiting for them to find out the truth about Brexit.
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