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Everything posted by Theroadlesstravelled

  1. Anytime VT comes out with the the champ patter I picture this
  2. Of course he is playing it. Creating Rangers fans' feeling of anti-Rangers conspiracy was Traynor's magnum opus. It's the Scottish protestant's equivalent of 9/11.
  3. An interesting read for those that who can read at an adult level.
  4. I bet the people raging at this didn't even vote for him.
  5. The nurse Tiktok dance videos are the worst thing to happen to humanity. Part of me thinks the virus is being used as an excuse to have a recession.
  6. I've never tried them but Maltesers buttons sound a pretty damn good invention. Forget coronavirus. This is who we are.
  7. Coronavirus would be good for them. I hope they get Ebola.
  8. The boomer generation was given far more opportunities than the following generations. The majority are also selfish arseholes who voted No in ScotRef and for Brexit purely for self interests. They deserve ridicule. Millennials are whinging arseholes who want to blame everyone else cause their art history degree is useless and they still live with their parents in their 30s. They also deserve ridicule.
  9. This gets a 10/10 of things that didn’t happen. Although it’s scary that a high percentage of Brits think the media is anti-Tory. The Guardian aside it’s hard to find any MSM that will scrutinise the government.
  10. When the alternative is a repellent character like Corbyn then the people have no choice.
  11. I am a millennial but I do like to lecture and educate people so you’re partially right.
  12. This chap is 102, lost his family in the holocaust, survived Auschwitz and can't see his great-grand children yet some delicate millennials are triggered over having a low paid career driven existential crisis.
  13. Are we sure Boris is still alive. Has anyone seen him since he got coronavirus?
  14. Melville has more than doubled the UK deaths using unproven findings, then take other countries dubious numbers as fact. The buffoonery is endless.
  15. Disappointingly but not surprisingly the EU have shat it from China. China are successfully managing to censor outside their own borders on the back of selling their cheap plastic shite to the west. Consumerism is a steaming pile of jobby.
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