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Barney Rubble

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Everything posted by Barney Rubble

  1. I certainly can't remember a goal. Pretty sure we haven't No. 0-2 in 2007 against a 16 year old goalie making his debut, and Graeme Murty playing for us. That jinxed us for qualifying for Euro 2008 when in a good position. 0-1 in 2015 when again in a good position for Euro 2016. Absolutely howling in both games. The one crumb of comfort is that Tbilisi is a beautiful city.
  2. McGeady did the same for RoI in 2015. Unfortunately on the two occasions we've played in Tbilisi we haven't even been close to a draw let alone a winning goal.
  3. v Israel Oct 2018 then v Israel Sep 2020
  4. Liam Palmer already has 7 caps for Scotland - all gained in the last two years and all at right back. There's a reason why he has not been chosen ahead of Stephen O'Donnell in the past year.
  5. He is, there's plenty of evidence out there. Did you miss O'Donnell's assist tonight? And Alaba having a generally uncomfortable game against him? O'Donnell's been first pick under Steve Clarke for both club and country since October 2017 for a reason - one that has escaped a fair few folks on here and beyond ever since.
  6. The alternative is Liam Palmer. Stay off the sauce please.
  7. KGM showing James Matthews and Sarah Smith how the journalist's job should be done. Fair play to him.
  8. He isn't. Unless he's suddenly morphed into Chris Iwelumo or James McFadden.
  9. He - and his employers - are utter c**t material. Still trotting out the 'she misled parliament' line tonight - despite no such official confirmation, which of itself is worthy of investigation for being prejudicial and potentially libellous. So who fed him this line ahead of the publication of the committee's findings? That is worthy of serious examination.
  10. So how do you account for that 'psychopathic nut job' being employed by the polis then? Why wasn't he picked up during the so-called 'vetting procedure'?
  11. Police Scotland facilitating Sevco celebrations last week - wrong. Met handcuffing females ostensibly on a peaceful vigil in memory of a victim murdered by one of their own employees - wrong. Two wrongs do not make a right. Not to mention Princess Kate being allowed to pay her respects when not wearing a face covering. Plod being as effective as Shane Duffy in the Celtic defence during that episode. Double standards abound. Perhaps your screaming vitriol should be more appropriately directed elsewhere.
  12. You are certainly giving the Met competition for the Lost Plot trophy tonight. Thought the Met was a shoe-in, so well done.
  13. Hadn't realised that as I didn't listen to the briefing - thanks for the clarification.
  14. Has anyone expressing similar sentiments to the above considered that the reason for opening places of worship may be to allow bereaved families to mourn their lost ones without restrictions on numbers?
  15. Yep, you bet there are. Very impressive first and third albums - a cross between the Faces and Free to these ears. Traditional British rock that actually sounds fresh and current.. They got a bit lost on the second album - overproduced and inexplicably some great in-concert songs (e.g. The Long Run) didn't make the cut. Absolutely sensational live, as you might expect. Well done on finding them and starting this thread.
  16. Maybe not better than the original, but certainly Rod's finest since he crossed the Atlantic.
  17. Fields of Gold is a wonderful composition by Sting. Almost anyone else makes a better fist of it. Katie Melua's take:
  18. That well known bellend Liam MacLeod claimed in commentary it was three subs plus another during extra time.
  19. 1) LA Woman 2) LA Woman 3) LA Woman 4) LA Woman 5) LA Woman However, in the spirit of being constructive: 1) LA Woman 2) Roadhouse Blues 3) Break on Through 4) Riders on the Storm 5) Love Her Madly
  20. EDIT: Apologies - a visa is no longer required for entry to Moldova by UK citizens. It was a requirement for the previous game in Moldova.
  21. Bear in mind a visa will be necessary for entry, which entails sending your passport to the Moldovan Embassy in Brussels, as there is no Moldovan Embassy in the UK.
  22. Johnny Cash covering Nick Lowe's The Beast In Me The Allman Brothers - Heart of Stone (Rolling Stones) Jeff Beck covering anything ever written by Stevie Wonder (Cause We've Ended As Lovers, Superstition, Thelonious) Rod Stewart - Downtown Train (Tom Waits) and a cracking cover of Frankie Miller's You're the Star Wailin' Jennys - Loves me like a Rock (Paul Simon) Stevie Ray Vaughan - anything by Jimi Hendrix Joe Cocker - plenty and not just With a Little Help from My Friends Eric Clapton covering Bob Dylan (Born in Time, I Dreamed I Saw St Augustine, Knocking on Heaven's Door) Jennifer Warnes covering Leonard Cohen Paul Carrack covering most Motown tunes Southside Johnny - Walk Away Renee
  23. Bit harsh. The question is standard sports pundit fare. Not in any way intended against you Gordopolis, but accepting that as standard sports pundit fare explains why we have the standard of sport punditry we have. It's a nonsense, meaningless question. If Currie ever asked that of Walter Smith or Craig Brown, his gonads would suffer the same fate that Chick Young's did years ago.
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