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PB 4.2

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Everything posted by PB 4.2

  1. We've been monitoring the republican lobby groups views to the second amendment with great interest. We view the camcorder as an absolute leveler, which obviously suit our group and our panache for road safety
  2. Posted with the sincerity and endeavour we associate with your work. Have a green dot.
  3. Rounding issues, fella. Still factually correct.
  4. The good work has kept me up. I often joke with folk that It's the reason I'm an insomniac.
  5. Love that you responded and love the "deepest darkest Ayrshire quip" That's excellent humour! I've amended the typo!
  6. First of all, a huge debt of gratitude to everyone who messaged me via the PM function over the last few weeks. Your words of solidarity and hope reaffirmed my unshakable belief in road safety and fiscal justice. I present the '18 survey because I will never kowtow to bullies. But, at the same time, I have my safety to consider and therefore datasets and additional information will only be available via pm, and won't be available to all. Fathers for justice had the same thing; except they were targeted by dykes not bikes. #dykesnotbikes But the C.A.S.T team were blown away (not literally) my the marvelous response from the Perthshire people. In 2014 we surveyed around 1,900 this time we broke the 2,500 mark! I'd like the share the submitions of one member in public ( who will remain anonymous ) for the purposes of this we will call him Colin (not his real name) Colin talked about the problems he's faced using his motorized mobility scooter. George relived 12 separate occasions where cyclist had blighted his life and lowered his self-esteem, all in the last year! 6 times he was forced into 'pavement dismount' due to villainous cycling. 4 times he was the victim of 'green bike syndrome' at pelican and puffin crossings. Once he was called a "paraplegic bentshot", another time cyclists stole George's ignition key and throw it into the river tay. So onto the results and we shortened the survey to 10 questions this year. Question 1: Should cyclist contribute to fund road based taxation? Yes 83% No 7% DK 10% Question 2: Would you agree the police turn a 'blind-eye' to illegal cycling? Yes 83% No 13% Dk 5% Question 3: Are there too many bikes on the road? Yes 36% No 51% DK 13% Question 4: Should all bikes be fitted with seatbelts as standard? Yes 31% No 40% DK 29% Question 5: Have you been assaulted by a cyclist in the last 12 months? Yes 94% No 3% DK 1% Question 6: Would you like to see cyclists allowed on dual carriageways and motorways? Yes 25% No 74% DK 1% Question 7: Chris Hoy eats bran flakes. Do you eat bran flakes? Yes 6% No 90% DK 4% Question 8: Are you in favour of advanced stop lines? Yes 59% No 29% DK 12% Question 9: Premature babies tend to have underdeveloped organs, making elite performance impossible. If said young baby lived a healthy life, but didn't have the lung capacity to emulate his father, would this be a bad thing? Yes 12% No 60% DK 28% Question 10: Should it be mandatory for cyclists to wear a helmet? Yes 89 % No 2% DK 9% Huge thanks to everyone that made the 18 survey the roaring success that it was. Wee break for the C.A.S.T team before our summer programme!
  7. Hearts, Aberdeen, Accrington treble for me this week. 5/1ish for 3 home wins.
  8. It's clearly the ultra-moron ( Scotland in Union backers) team who are behind these drivel graphics. Laughed at this one the other day. Creator obviously hasn't a clue about devolved responsibilities.
  9. Absolutely. It's the only thing sensible suggestion I can offer Capy though to raise the extra funds. https://www.profitaccumulator.co.uk/
  10. Tiger wasn't sharp with his lrons last week and nearly won. I suspect he'll go well this week and will have an excellent masters. Doesn't mean he'll win, but I understand the bookies reaction, and Tiger looks right for the first time in a decade. It's great for golf!
  11. Genuine suggestion fella. Capy ( a fella REM fan, SNP fanboy) was talking about lack of work. I made about £2k from Profit Accumulator in 5 months before getting bored with it. There's a whole thread on the gambling forum about it. Capy will know I'm being serious regardless if its something he choices to look into. He's a good egg.
  12. Serious post mate. Have you tried Matched betting? Loads of folk make risk free hundreds of pounds extra per month. Could be an easy way to bump your income streams.
  13. Independence at 48%. SNP gaining 3% of last Mori poll. Tories losing nearly 10% of vote. And Gordon Brown becomes the one-eyed deflection squirrel.
  14. https://stv.tv/news/scotland/1410271-virgin-trains-discount-fares-for-millennials-with-avocados/
  15. You probably are at rock bottom in that you've had some horrible stuff to deal with. Start with small achievable goals, like sorting the roof over your head. A visit to Citizens advice would be advised, they'll be well versed in dealing with evictions, terms of notice and getting you temporarily accommoation. Even if your feeling sluggish this really is something that needs sorted long before someone turns to change the locks. You've said you found the process of posting cathartic and that's good. Get yourself an down to CAB and let us know how you get on! I'll look out for your reply fella.
  16. Thankfully absolutely nobody cares about your view. The democratic mandate is there and we're voting again. On that day you can wipe your bib and vote as your career sees fit.
  17. This normally returns a skewed argument the SNP overestimated the oil projections. Completely unaware that politicians don't forecast oil prices, they only report the findings.
  18. Their record on the devolved areas is excellent. Go and spread lies elsewhere.
  19. Wee feeling that Yes might be up around 48% whenever the next poll drops. Fishermen look like being screwed, negative reporting of Brexit leaving and the single market. Tory conference cancelled and SLab still a laughing stock. Hopefully, Nicola Sturgeon will keep mum, and just all things to happen.
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