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PB 4.2

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Everything posted by PB 4.2

  1. A mate of mines son went there with John Swinney for a day trip.
  2. Hopefully, you're on the mend now fella. Light exercise and healthy cooking should keep you well.
  3. Devil Dugs. Forced into Cycling. Call theChinese the "Chinky". Lower back tattoos.
  4. You must be one of the most bitter men around. I believe he did! This young lad had a choice to make and felt more Scottish. Welcome you lad. We embrace your decision.
  5. First prefs: SNP 37%, Con 32%, Lab 24% SNP win at stage 5.
  6. I'm gonna guess: McClung and Graham?
  7. Clackmannanshire North By-election today. Absolute madness that it goes ahead as planned despite the snow and weather warning.
  8. I put it to you 'Shandon Par' that you are a man of very dubious moral fibre.
  9. Huge congratulations Throbber! She's perfect.
  10. I see the thread that contained that horrific remark by @Unleash The Nade has been culled. Imo the mods left it in the public domain for too long.
  11. This. Tynieness is just a normal forum member - from outwith the Falkirk area - posting away and making the relevant checks.
  12. Shades of Sam Cosgrove on Scott Brown from the weekend. Inexperienced, wet-behind-the-ears newbie targets a big draw. Might have impressed Div, but, like Sam's tackle, it was a swing and a miss, in my book.
  13. Hugely frustrating, as moderating a website should be a simple exercise. Take the complaint; analyse it, and act accordingly. I suspect its a direct result of the night out they had a few weeks back. The ghost of Thundermonkey (awful T-shirts btw) hasn't been put to rest.
  14. First ever warning point from this @Cardinal Richelieu fucker. Didn't even know he was a mod.
  15. Absolutely kills the argument older folk voted No for conservative reasons. It was predominately emotive.
  16. Agreed. I was drawn to Bates' lack of footballing prowess when he first broke through and dismissed him as a donkey. The Old Firm game was the turning point for me and he's impressed any other time Rangers has been on the tele.
  17. The risk of life thing is absolutely true; if you act like a total moron. Like going on a 50-mile cycle, or swimming in the sea. Normal folk will get the beers in, crank up the heating, put on the very best of Duran Duran and enjoy a lamb hot pot with rustic bread.
  18. You keep spamming this thread, asking inane drivel like the above. I'm out. As you were.
  19. Great to see the P & B members getting on the bevvy! 15 cans procured from Scotmid before crossing the bridge, and I'm settling down for a wee session. Any football on the TV tonight?
  20. Obviously. I register as a company for this reason. Apologies for the actions of Statts. Agreed! Looks like a cracking day for a ride. If your planning to go for a cycle today my advise would be: Go for it!
  21. I deal with large corporations, not sole traders. I wouldn't be advising anyone to get a push bike, in the same way, I wouldn't recommend placing pass the parcel with a grenade.
  22. It's not a bite just a genuine concern. I value fiscal prudence. I value our road network.
  23. You've always struck me as the sort of non-entity who couldn't employ themselves. Enjoy paying Income Tax!
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