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Everything posted by glassnahalf

  1. This is certainly one collection of oddballs. Dangerous oddballs at that. And ditto Carole.
  2. The Talented Mr Ripley. Matt Damon excels as the psycopathic pianist. 9/10.
  3. This season is finished. One option could be to restart the fixtures after summer and have a curtailed 2020-21 season. Not to everyone's taste I grant you.
  4. They had umpteen warning signs, black eyes, hair in tufts, broken bones, the list goes on, and yet they left that boy in a house of horror. There should have been more prosecutions including the police officer who took Gabriel into his patrol car and told him to stop lying or he would go to jail as well as more senior officials in the social work. And a few years later it all happened again to another boy...
  5. I See You Although billed in some places as a horror, this is a well crafted thriller/mystery essentially told in three parts. No spoilers here though...
  6. Heidi on Amazon Prime. Not the Swiss miss tale, this is a found footage film about a doll. I'm not a big fan of FF movies and it has a slowish start but keep with it. Creepy stuff.
  7. They should have killed it after the first episode of series one.
  8. Saw Star Wars in the pictures in 1977 and thought it was brilliant. I got hold of a dvd copy recently and lasted 5 minutes before deciding it was puerlie rubbish and switched it off. Empire Strikes Back is a vast improvement but the dialogue in the entire series leaves a helluva lot to be desired.
  9. So 2 and a bit out of 6 like them so far...
  10. So he likes the England football team. Some Scottish people like Ireland football team and would support them over Scotland. I can't see the relevance of your comment.
  11. I watched up until the third series when the boy started to cut his goolies off and decided it was time to get my coat!
  12. Was this filmed by her pervy son? He's shot all her other pics. Filthy bast**d. Does he need an aid?
  13. The Good Fight is a more than worthy follow up to The Good Wife. Both brilliant dramas.
  14. I was taught cursive in Primary 7 in 1978 and it has stuck with me to this day. Unfortunately it has degraded somewhat and even I can't decypher what I've written from a few days before!
  15. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for it. I recall someone tried this a few months back but because of the concern over cross contamination they were refused. Seems it's OK now for whatever reason.
  16. I've got them taking up space in my car, in my wheelybins and under the sink. They are like tribbles...
  17. Morrisons are wanting people to take in their own tupperware if they want to buy meat or fish. So wait for the new line in approved plastic dishes...
  18. The V&A in Dundee will be next to go up. It needs millions of pounds extra to keep it going and it isn't even open yet!
  19. Tragedy? Disaster? Naw it wisny, it was another insurance job.
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