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The Golden God

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Everything posted by The Golden God

  1. This aged well. I'd say West End is the best out of the 3 main places being mentioned (Dennistoun and Southside). They've all got nice pubs etc but West End is just that bit closer to the centre and is a better walk with loads of pubs, restauraunts etc on the way into town. The public transport is good but you wouldn't actually really need to use it if you lived on Byres Road/Woodlands Road, can walk basically anywhere in decent time
  2. I'm not a massive fan of the Green Brigade, but how do you know the folk at the demo today were the same ones who abused Shay Logan?
  3. Hearts will, oh wait wrong forum. There will be a complete heads gone from everyone involved with Rangers when Dundee United win on their first trip to Ibrox via a controversial goal.
  4. Not when the only reason the Green Brigade are out is because the **** are, both bigot fans out for the sole intention of trouble. What are you basing this on? It's possible for the Green Brigade/Celtic fans in general (UB/Rangers fans also) to have other interests outside of football, this isn't the first time they've been involved in antifa/pro refugee stuff. The both as bad as each other stuff is fine when that's clearly the case but today it obviously wasn't, one side happened to include a good amount of Celtic fans, the other probably contained a good amount of Rangers fans. Not everything is about football.
  5. I’ve had to endure that Susan Calman advert loads when watching the racing on the STV app this week and it’s somehow made me hate her more than I did before. I hate her voice, I hate her face, I despise her. Tbf to her though it’s probably STV’s fault for only having one advert for every single time you load the app so we all have to endure it time and time again.
  6. Headlines on videos/articles with interviews of (mainly) actors that say something like “Daniel Radcliffe on how Harry Potter changed his life”. Always stars of major tv programmes or films, obviously starring in a fucking hit tv show is going to change someone’s life, pick a better headline.
  7. Surely the both sides as bad each other argument goes out the window when one side are racists and the other are protesting against it?
  8. That’s a poor challenge from the Brighton player. You don’t get away with it in other sports for a reason.
  9. Big footballers who talk with their hands over their mouths can now just pretend they're being health concious rather than for no fucking reason like they did before.
  10. I fucking hate him. What’s he waiting on?
  11. Very late but PP have 5 quid free bet on the 1.50. No deposit or anything required
  12. Couer De Lion and Verdana Blue forecast. Don’t mind if I do.
  13. Hate Mogul, had it in a treble with Frankly Darling and Batassh
  14. Chris was quality but Avon Barksdale is one of if not the coolest character in television history and is much smarter than String. Imagine slagging this guy.
  15. Landed a forecast in the Irish Guineas today with Siskin and Vatican City, Siskin is a class horse, done very well to get out when every Ballydoyle horse was trying to box it in and Vatican City looks like a decent bet for the Derby aswell.
  16. Both Aberdeen tops are horrendous, think the away one is just slightly worse cause of the ridiculous sponsor. Not a big fan of the Celtic away if that is actually it, just looks like a polo shirt with a shamrock stuck on, love the home though.
  17. Another enormous update last night/today for Season 4. They've also added "events" into the games which so far I have found to be annoying as f**k. Details here https://charlieintel.com/season-4-now-live-in-modern-warfare-and-warzone/60831/?amp&__twitter_impression=true&fbclid=IwAR3JemBfT-XQcaA6pQ5QwdrUgza8HKIUdnfywvQ1JlFAIRMR9AR4y9hyPPI
  18. I fancy Madelaine Petsch and us getting together would make more sense than Snoddy coming back.
  19. Someone I went to school with and still have on FB because of her crazy posts, including being anti vax and claiming 5G is a weapon, has now decided that George Floyds death was a false flag and BLM/AntiFa are funded by George Soros so as to divide us and start a race war.
  20. Mad Max: Fury Road is just a 2 hour chase scene, there’s no story at all and people only like it cause it’s got cool effects and explosions etc. I stand by it being awful.
  21. Royal Dornoch 40/1 EW in the 2000 Guineas @ 15:35 Magic Lily 3/1 @ 14:25 Both Newmarket.
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