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Squalor Vic

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Everything posted by Squalor Vic

  1. Bellingham the player that's going to win them something. Scary good
  2. Aye I've done a bit of digging and the airport has a rail link direct so it sounds a piece of piss. Never been to Germany before and going twice next year now
  3. Took the plunge and booked up. 14th-19th, staying in Cologne. Flights to Frankfurt then I'm assured that the German transport links will get us to Cologne no bother! Anyone with any experience to confirm this for me Book train tickets in advance for example?
  4. Spot on. VAR is useless in this instance it's the timing of the whistle being blown. It would be interesting if VAR had overturned the original penalty decision. What would have happened then? (Not that it was likely to happen, the penalty had to be given to try and dig him out a hole)
  5. As baffling a decision I've ever seen. We were shite but done out a point
  6. It definitely picks up at episode 4 and is more focused from then in but can understand why it got the flak coming after S1. There's a lot going on and it was a bit all over the place. Probably a character and plot too many
  7. Just finished S3...it's actually pretty good even if it is fairly similar to S1. Stephen Dorff and Mahershala Ali are great and Scoot McNairy is good in pretty much everything he's in. One of those great character actors, which always feels like a backhanded compliment. Still like how S2 tried something different but I've enjoyed all 3 and looking forward to the new one.
  8. New series of this due so been giving the first 3 a rewatch past couple weeks. First is still class but I actually enjoyed the 2nd this time around. It's not perfect but it's not the car crash it was made out to be at the time. S3 might actually be the weakest as I make my way through it. Anyway, Jodie Foster the big name in the new one, we'll see how it goes I'm sure I read it'll be back half of this year it's out
  9. That was great. Deas and Ndaba just bossing that lot. Who the f**k were some of those Rangers players? Absolute haddies
  10. Oppenheimer Really enjoyed it, a ream throwback film that doesn't really get made on this scale very often. Seen some comparisons to JFK, which I get, though I'd say JFK is a lot more thrilling/entertaining. Top drawer across the board from everyone and, like Babylon which I watched earlier in the week, I was never bored through the 3 hours. Quite amazing how little I knew of Oppenheimer and this whole story tbh, despite it being 'the most important thing to ever happen in the fucking world' (to paraphrase Matt Damon's character)
  11. Babylon (2022) Big, flawed, messy, over the top and 3 hours long but I really enjoyed it and was never bored. The three leads were excellent, and it looked amazing. If the opening 20 mins or so, featuring shitting elephants, pissing and a huge debauched orgy doesn't put you off then it's worth sticking with. Could it be shorter, of course, would I want it to be, not really.
  12. Just a bit of a misunderstanding really wasn't it. 'Not great' lolz
  13. Ridiculous standard to win 11 on the spin like that
  14. A bit too nicey nice this final. Fist bumps and smiles all round. f**k that give us a bit of needle
  15. Rough day on the couch, watched Bird Box: Barcelona. ..was okay if a bit stupid, and Vesper an indie sci-fi which I thought was really good and shows what can be done when you use a budget right. Looked tremendous. Both on Netflix
  16. Feel sorry for her. She's a decent player and it's not her fault that sky basically made her the poster girl for women's darts.
  17. Generous. It was borderline unwatchable. An absolute mess of a film that looked horrible. I don't, or didn't, mind the marvel films, in fact there's a few I really like but nearly everything since Endgame has been dung
  18. Searle can score like f**k. I like the ferret though, hope he wins
  19. Aye there's already complaints that there's too many games, can't see this being a success but who knows. The problem with these sort of comps in the likes of the NBA is that everyone plays each other anyway. No chance of an away day to Arbroath
  20. Fleming moved to London in 1900 or something so not sure he had a season ticket for RP @Ric
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