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Steven W

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Everything posted by Steven W

  1. Not sure East Linton should be in. Likewise anything West of Prestonpans
  2. https://www.associationoftartanarmyclubs.com/2021/06/05/meeting-3-with-glasgow-host-city-stakeholders-03-06-2021/ Can't actually work out who has made this decision. And UEFA will have a fan shop - but that's perfectly all right.....
  3. Quite possible then that, come June 21st England could be restriction free while parts of Scotland are still in Level 2
  4. You say 3rd in the world (you may well be right) but I assume that's measured over a timeframe when the first jag was administered? If you were to measure over the last couple of months, I doubt we'd still be third. And that's why people are entitled to ask for better from SG
  5. Made this point several weeks ago and was lampooned in some quarters. The three Hampden games are our wee treat, and thereafter back to bhd / minimal numbers
  6. Or become self sustaining and live within our means?
  7. Agree. Some people seem to think that a virus particle is some big chunky thing that couldn't possibly find its way around a flimsy bit of cloth loosely positioned over your gob.
  8. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-57246914 I distinctly remember Sridhar tweeting a picture of a baseball match from Taiwan, with a full crowd, holding them up as the Covid Poster Boys and how we all should be following their example
  9. Syngenta, although traditionally a Grangemouth team, are playing at Stenhousemuir next season. So Grangemouth with no club again - and presumably the biggest town without a side.
  10. Seems that the current thinking re variants is to step up the vaccinations in effected areas. The blue envelope system reeks of sluggish beaurocracy as others have pointed out. Furthermore, whatever happened to the 24hr vaccinations that we've been told would be possible?
  11. If she does, can she just get on with it instead of the usual days and weeks of build up
  12. Without wishing to take the thread too off topic, but if Ainslie Park is basically deemed unable to accommodate fans, how does this leave all the other small grounds across the country?
  13. Edinburgh City v Dumbarton on Monday, which despite being moved to be played after the small crowd allowed threshold of May 17th, now not able to go ahead with any fans due to the social distancing requirements and the need to have red, amber and green areas. Football fans really need to come together en masse and put a stop this nonsense.
  14. I'm saying Sturgeon should do what she thinks is best. She's now simply falling in line with whatever BJ does, even though I suspect she doesn't actually want to. As an example, I don't for a second think she's comfortable allowing foreign travel in a couple of weeks.
  15. Agree 100%. Though Sturgeon should show the courage of her convictions. Just because BJ is easing restrictions doesn't mean she has to. I find it very weak 'leadership''
  16. That's what will happen I reckon. SD binned in the context of restaurants and pubs, but still being employed at sports events and gigs.
  17. Beginning to find Sturgeon's position on this increasingly weak. Forever now falling in behind Johnson doing whatever he does, with the foreign travel being latest addition to an already long list. I suspect she herself doesn't actually want to allow the foreign travel, but knows she has little option. Furthermore I suspect holding Moray back in Level 3 is her wee way of ascerting what little authority she has left on the matter.
  18. They'll maybe be told to limit the game to season ticket holders only? (I know thats less than 500)
  19. I'd go to one in a heartbeat, but confident tickets will be limited to home season ticket holders regardless
  20. Yeah - as I understand it, the clubs will be able to apply to have the limit upped . Im sure its 500 without the need to even consult anyone, and can be increased upon request
  21. Thats the first time Scottish football's governance has shown any desire to do stuff / be flexible / be active etc to allow fans at games. Maybe a hint at the Cup Final being mobed from Hampden to also allow fans??
  22. the SSC e-mail that was sent out yesterday is trapped in quarantine for me (!) Does anyone have a copy? Do I just go to UEFA.com and create an account?
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