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Steven W

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Everything posted by Steven W

  1. I hope I'm wrong but think Chalmers' inclusion might be partly down to free kicks and corners. I don't like criticising the younger players, but I've seen very little from him to explain any other reason for it. By and large I think I'd be right in saying that every corner and free kick this season has been taken by either Pawlett or Chamlers.
  2. The subs is a strange one. He's never made full use of the five subs your now allowed in any game. And to only use two yesterday seemed just plain daft. And for Glass to not have featured for a single minute is a real puzzler
  3. We did look ok. You're right. I thought we were the better team for long periods at 0-0 and 2-0, but there is just nothing there in the final third. Seems strange to be reflecting on our lack of scoring prowess after having shipped four goals, but over the course of our first few games in the premier league it's clear our biggest concern is up front (although our defence is not without a worry!)
  4. Hmmm.... Bit worrying that. As ever plenty of endeavour and industry. But we have a major problem in that we can't defend and we're toothless up front. Not sure what the story is with Glass, but he's clearly not in Mellon's plans. I'd imagine he may be put out on loan when the championship / league 1 season starts (Cove will surely be interested). But I think he would do us a great turn if last season was anything to by. Pains me to say it but I'm beginning to have my doubts about Louis Apperre. Certainly toiling at this level. Needs to be remembered we were a championship team just a few months ago and have barely made any changes to the personnel. Hopefully this will be addressed over the next fortnight as it clearly needs to.
  5. I know that. But they'll be learning sod all from that crowd
  6. Pisses me off. Just switched on the live Speedway from Poland, with a socially distant crowd. Pretty sure they've had crowds at sport over there for a while now. We're still a fortnight away from pilot events. Jason Leitch reminded us today that it's the same virus as the one in March. Aye, it's also the same virus as every other country in the world, but we continue to trail behind as ever
  7. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/53951299 Who'd have thought it would be those two teams? Basically underlines my thoughts the other day as to why Celtic's request was knocked back. For all that, you'd like to think Ross County's home match v Celtic would be 100% for County season ticket holders. But I've been around long enough to know better....
  8. I know that. But pretty sure you its possible to catch the virus whether you're away for sport or for personal business. FWIW I'm glad that our players will be unaffected by the Czech quarantine. It's just that it's plainly a lot of hypocritical nonsense.
  9. Good grief. I forgot they can't catch it. Bolingoli was right all along then
  10. Czech Republic on the quarantine list. Scotland playing away there a week on Monday. Presumably the players will be no exemption to rule (it would be very hypocritical after Bolingoli), so will need to sit in the house for 14 days and miss their club matches.....
  11. I think thats in line with SG guidance. I remember Jason Leitch describing a close contact as 'someone who you've been within 2M. of for 15 minutes"
  12. It was in the interests of fairness the UEFA decided that all NL fixtures for the opening round of games were to be BCD. You're right that if they're that interested in fairness then all games should be BCD for the duration of the competition
  13. Spot on. However through all this a 'one size fits all' seems to have been the default position. I was a match in NE England last Saturday. Crowd must have been 50-75 or something. Its a nonsense that a game of similar stature can't go ahead up here.
  14. I think Celtic were onto plums after their players Covid indiscretions. That plus the pathetic but almost inevitable bleating from the other cheek if they were to be allowed fans at a game first lead me to believe that they would not be awarded the initial test event for football. That said not heard too many other clubs pushing for it. Correct
  15. Barely ever. The point is that they would have feared to have been perceived as leaning to one or the other (were there a hypothetical situation this weekend and both were at home, and had both had asked for 1000 fans at each, you can be sure it would have got the nod)
  16. Disappointing yes. But fairly confident the reason behind it would be they'd have feared to have been seen as pro-Celtic (and thus anti-Rangers). Had both clubs been at home this weekend (say, one Saturday and one Sunday) they'd have both been given a green light to go ahead with 1000 fans at each. Well done to Celtic though - in fairness they seem to have been at the forefront of trying to get some fans at their games. Other teams have sat on their hands
  17. That did actually happen. Last week I think it was
  18. Anyway, rather than let the thread be steered off at a tangent, I'll call it quits at that. Have a good day
  19. I don't who you are, but you're coming across as a bit of a bell end. Probably a nice person in real life though Anyway, rather than let the thread be steered off at a tangent, I'll call it quits at that. Have a good day
  20. ???? You don't see that a pen passed from one person to another, to another, to another is a risk - granted a smal risk. A risk easily avoided by having someone at the door (and there was btw) jot the details down rather than all those entering the building
  21. I took a trip down to NE England at the weekend. Having gone so long without a game, and picking up a last minute hotel pretty cheaply, made a night of it. Went to the Bedlington Terriers match who playing the Northern League Div 2. (I decided against Ashington FC, who's match to their credit was made all ticket and no sales were permitted on matchday) Cant vouch for any other game obvioulsy, but I'd have to say I was pretty disapointed in the Covid protocol measures at Bedlington. The crowd was sparse, so people were socially distancing pretty much by default when watching the match. However a different story altogether in the social club (which you had to go through to gain access to stadium) where drinkers were huddled together, a group of 'lads' playing pool, small toilets yet being used by multiple people etc. You did have to write your name and number on a sheet of paper when you entered, but even at that it was using a pen that someone else would have used minutes beforehand. On reflection I think actually watching a game of football (and the same goes for playing football) poses minimal risk. The risk comes with all the other stuff.
  22. Just saw this too. So fans at games at that level in England. Meanwhile our teams aren't even training.....
  23. That's probably the case. But with the end of furlough looming, NS' hand will eventually be forced to some degree. I thought there would be mileage in opening up steadily, but the way it's going it going to end up with a fair number of things all at one time.
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