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Lang Toon Saintee

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Everything posted by Lang Toon Saintee

  1. Tommy did work under Steve Brown for Seven Years and he did give him the biggest budget in the clubs history to work with so it's not all bad.
  2. I take your point.But as the person who told me has never given me wrong information in the past I would be extremely surprised if this is not true.
  3. I have heard from someone who normally very reliable that Kirsten Robertson is touting the economic benefits of a plastic pitch and wants one installed
  4. Love the way that papers talk about so and so "Emerging as the favourite" "Leading the chase" "Top of the list too replace.." etc based on....f**k all
  5. When Hartley was converted from a winger to a more central role he became one of the best midfielders in the country.He was great for us and I really admired his play...But I could never actually like the miserable little c*nt.
  6. I can see a big reduction in squad numbers and a lot of young players getting their chance next season
  7. Is there anything more sad than clowns like this who's views are governed by his "Fitba Team" ? Sad little men who you know what there opinion will be on everything by just looking at their scarf.
  8. There were a few more interesting questions TBF.When he was asked.."Who do you hate most at the club" ?"Who do you think about when you're wanking"? and "Is Wallace Duffy as shite in training as he is on the pitch"? etc
  9. I try to avoid it but take an occasional dip in.It's inhabited by kids,barely literate goons,knuckledragging morons and the terminally bewildered..
  10. Completely agreed with most of your post.The only thing that I have problem with was putting the sprinklers on at half time.I know that Chris has been told to do this by the pitch consultants but for the life of me I cant see the logic in watering a wet pitch that players were(at times)s struggling to keep their balance on.
  11. To take a point and keep a clean sheet in an away game only three days after a hard cup tie against Celtic is not too shabby
  12. We know that TW can just freeze players out but this situation is really strange.Swanson is frozen out and after we sell Kennedy Jones is brought in.Jones gets game time against Ayr and looks ok.Then he is frozen out and Swanson appears back in the squad.TW looks like he has no intention of playing Swanson and he is just a bench filler while Jones sits in the stand.Obviously something has gone on that we are unaware of..
  13. Probably around half that number.Remember your big team are playing Hamilton at home at the same time.
  14. Thank you very much for your money.With such a small support I'm always grateful when guys like you contribute to our player budget in the way you do..
  15. You need to simmer down a wee bit. Even Lennon was telling tvem to man up and stop time wasting at the end..Utter Shitebags
  16. Yeah what with all the rain and the floods of tears when McCart was only booked..Have you ever seen the paranoid androids time wasting against Saints before by the way ?
  17. I thought I had seen everything in life.But today I saw the tatty munches time wasting at the end of a match against the mighty Saints.What a bunch of utter shitebags Oops nearly forgot..Thanks for the cash Ka'Ching
  18. It's an open forum so I respect your right to come on here and spout utter shite...
  19. As many as you like.The game itself is a complete irrelevance the more of you mugs paying 30 quid a head we can pack in tbe better..Ka'ching
  20. So are you seriously suggesting that I would have replied with something that I did not believe to be true just in order to take issue with your statement. ?.You're not that important son
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