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Cowden Cowboy

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Everything posted by Cowden Cowboy

  1. Ach well I believe in persuasion you believe in ranting - each to his own
  2. Well you have just affirmed then that the de facto route suggested isn’t a democratic route
  3. That’s why you usually have bounce games behind closed doors as otherwise you get this over-emphasis on the result when you run out players on the fringes, rest key players, throw in some trialists. Doubtless Crossgates with many ex-Cowden players are right up for it but that’s an entirely different perspective.
  4. Don’t know - maybe Time, clear evidence of hardcore strong majority support for it over time, persuasion of influential and sensible MPs from other parties that asking the public again is appropriate, an evaluation of the pros and cons for both parties which shows advantages, less strident anti-English doggedness and a willingness to compromise with others. Just thinking aloud really I don’t have a manifesto.
  5. The union does have legitimate basis in law, slavery doesn’t as it was abolished. The people democratically have had many years now to look to amend historic laws.
  6. Nobody has denied democracy you just haven’t got what you want. There is a democratic uk govt which already agreed to a referendum in 2014. Thus the democratic route is to persuade it to agree once again. The Supreme Court ruled it was a reserved matter which was already self evident.
  7. No I didn’t say that’s the only recourse rather you need to persuade the UK parliament by showing clearly what the true sentiment is and its strength. At the moment it’s a 50/50 with probably a silent majority in Scotland not that fussed one way or the other. Not everybody is a fervent unionist or Nat. That is like assuming right wingers and left wingers with their extreme views actually represent the majority. Instead UK politics has largely converged upon the middle ground
  8. Yes a 60% threshold would have prevented a stupid decision
  9. It is unless there was a much larger majority strongly in favour of independence. That isn’t the case. The vast majority of Scots aren’t seething about this, taking to the streets rather they have other issues in their lives to deal with
  10. It was a bounce game - the Cowden team maybe had about 3 of the starting Xi in it at any time so why draw sweeping conclusions from it. What exactly is the neglect in management - spell it out. Come along to the next fan meeting and ask questions
  11. I would expect that a return to EU should meet a 60% hurdle - the previous mistake was to make such a major change on a narrow margin.
  12. Which is the point - such decisions should have to meet a 60% or similar hurdle given the scale of its impact and to as best as possible ensure a meaningful majority are solidly in favour rather than it just being a transitory majority situation
  13. One of the least contentious decisions ever - it was always pretty clear what the situation was and that this was a big waste of time and money. The SNP can’t claim this as a good result as the opposite decision would have been such for them. All it does is give greater clarity to what most folks thought was the position in the first place - that is a positive of sorts
  14. Well rather simply the UK parliament would decide
  15. But you lose match sharpness when you don’t have games - you also tire if you have put more intensity into the earlier part of the game than your opponents. Hence the subs were required - these 3 week spells without a game are not at all helpful.
  16. Many good points but ended up A game in which we were mugged. The midfield subs were really pretty much enforced. And rather than sitting back we were pushed back
  17. It’s not a mystery you just go on the SFA site and read the Judicial Panel Protocol - for example the 2 game bans are for A1 to A3 offences and one for A4 to A6 A1 Serious foul play A2 Violent conduct A3 Biting or spitting at someone A4 Denying the opposing team or an opponent a goal or an obvious goal scoring opportunity as defined by law 12 A5 Offensive, insulting or abusive language and/or gestures A6 Receiving a second caution in the same match
  18. Pulling everyone back for a corner is a pretty common tactic nowadays and many teams do it - there are pros and cons re it. You saw yesterday right at the death when we pushed several players forward (as fans were urging) that Spartans almost scored from that particular corner
  19. It was a well deserved win and plain daft to suggest the Uni were the better team.
  20. More insular - the hold out juniors v the juniors who moved earlier v the Seniors (old east of Scotland leaguers) v the new born clubs v pro b teams v anti b teams plus let’s play lots of midweek league games so we can keep all sorts of old cup tournaments. Seems to be a deal of friction much of it legacy based
  21. No I think we are discussing but that it needs more than wish lists and kite flying. Reality is that SPFL 2 clubs are not myopic and simply wearing the black hats here. Those lower in the pyramid aren’t in some way pure paragons and exemplars of professionalism and ambition that L2 clubs don’t possess.
  22. If anyone knew what the poisonous of relegation actually meant?! They have decided according to the voting system how many relegation spots should apply and the LL accepted that from day one. My experience of the pyramid clubs is that many are more insular than the SPFL lower league clubs and still are in the world of the juniors and east v west not seized with progressivism
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