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Everything posted by RossBFaeDundee

  1. Considering what I was hearing about the test event at the Raith friendly today, sounds like there is still some work to do with it.
  2. Season ticket holders will be able to stream every league game for free. For non-ST holders games costs £12.50 to stream on a PPV basis. The club is hopeful that people will be able to come eventually, but this service will be available all season regardless if it happens or not. For Tuesday's League Cup game vs. Forfar, as a test event all ST holders will be able to watch the game for free, while everyone else are required to pay £12.50. There will be a test period on Monday between 1PM and 3PM for ST holders to test their ability to log in. Further info on this to be provided on Monday morning.
  3. A loan attempt from an EPL side nothing to worry about, there's no way Tony is that daft. Some cheek from Burnley.
  4. Club confirmed they will be streaming the League Cup game against Forfar, details to follow.
  5. Absolutely, which is why I have you at 4th. If you didn't have Robbo, I'd have you as mid-table dross.
  6. Pretty certain Fin is in the training video the club just posted. Danny Mullen back training too. Great stuff.
  7. Well, there goes our chance of possibly winning a trophy this season. Devastated, so I am.
  8. I've been waiting on this FCA business interruption insurcance case livestream to get to the point all afternoon.
  9. And a new copypasta is born... https://twitter.com/search?q=Mr. President I'm literally sitting here crying and throwing up at this news. You are the bravest man I have ever seen. I named my first son Donald after you. If anything happened to you I don't know what I would do. Thank you for ending racism.&src=typed_query&f=live
  10. I can't lie, I am a big fan of the Jets sucking again, but I really thought they could've beat a Rypien-led Broncos team.
  11. Oh god, neither was that. My boy Drew Lock has nothing to fear methinks.
  12. Let's just say that decision-making from Rypien... wasn't great.
  13. Kerrydale Meltdown has become Galatasaray Meltdown for the night, and it has been some laugh.
  14. Choosing to believe for the time being Hamilton will be in top form with no crowds and some confidence. Sure that'll be oot the window when Hearts put 4 past him, but for the time being that's what I'm telling myself.
  15. Some more quality post-match GIRUY-itude. Rangers admin is on a roll.
  16. This has been a piece of piss for Celtic, Sarajevo have offered nothing.
  17. And that he brought him back in January when Hamilton was still fit
  18. I bet it was him, but he voted you as worst Ayr poster for every time you've wrote QOTS.
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