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Everything posted by GNU_Linux

  1. Any more misbeahaving & the 'results guy' is going on strike
  2. Man Getting Hit By Football
  3. CFL Week 9-10 The great Canadian hope QB Nathan Rourke is back with the Lions after his NFL tenure never came to anything. The Elks have new ownership under local construction businessman Larry Thompson who wants to revert back to the Eskimos moniker or the shortform Esks. I'm sure that won't see any pushback at all.
  4. Alex McDowall was the chairman of Gartcairn but stepped down to take up the head SJFA blazer role after Tom Johnstone (sp?) left the role. Of course Gartcairn making a move like this is surely not related to the vested interests of McDowall at al in the slightest no siree.
  5. TNT haven't renewed their Ligue 1 deal
  6. Cracking results for Linton, South & Hoose against higher tier opponents
  7. 'portfolio optimisation' Read: justifying redundancies, cuts, closures, shutdowns etc to shareholders
  8. Sleath & Strath are an interesting participant as they play summer football in the West Highland AFA. Team based on the Isle Of Skye.
  9. Just a hunch but it appears Strathspety are going to struggle this season. With insight like this I'm available for consultancy work.
  10. Money money must be funny in a west man's world
  11. La Gomera is fuking cancelled
  12. Gonnae be honest St Johnstone getting dragged into the right wing culture war grift wasn't on my 2024 bingo card
  13. Hope everyone is thinking of all those poor defenseless statues that are currently unguarded
  14. Fernando Ricksen promoting a 2005 phone recycling campaign. Can't believe how woke 2005 Scottish football was.
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