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Everything posted by GNU_Linux

  1. Regionalisation in the first two rounds has been scrapped.
  2. iirc talks & meetings have taken place in the past year or two about an all encompassing non-league cup but never came to anything. Highland League & I think Lowland League weren't interested for a variety of reasons.
  3. The SFA special of a Malky McKay & Scotland Gemmill dream team
  4. This is all Rangers fault for taking their B team out of the Lowland League.
  5. Banks O' Dee have signed Mark Reynolds who was last with Cove
  6. Normal island is actually a long running brass eye special.
  7. Bristol Central (newly created) is one the Greens probably have a good chance in. Co-leader Carla Denyer is the candidate which is some indication of it being a high priority seat. The areas profile is left & is the most pro-immigrant constituency in the UK in polling by the Telegraph. Did notice TERF extraordinaire Posie Parker is running in the ward with her Party Of Women. Be a real real shame is she lost her deposit.
  8. Not exactly the first two names on my six degrees of Kevin Bacon list
  9. James didn't give a wave upon exiting the last chance saloon of life
  10. Can't see a summer league working out as the Forth & Endrick is somewhat on there door step. Also assume Blackburn went to the LEAFA?
  11. Syngenta managed to get licensed for a season during their brief stint in the EOS while sharing with Stenny.
  12. The year is 2035 & Brechin City are up 3-0 on course for their 3rd European Superduper League title. Yer man fae Brechin is still screaming at the clouds.
  13. I'd guess it's a casualty of the club's recent financial issues
  14. They love their football up there so they do
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