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Everything posted by Detournement

  1. Fury is made of glass. He's went down every time he's been hit with a decent shot in his career. It's not even like Wilder hit him with one of his right hand bombs, they were pretty basic punches.
  2. The world's most Juche news service says he already has!
  3. Trump is planning to appoint Pappy Bush's Attorney General back to do the same job for him. The guy is Bill Barr and he completely shut down the Iran Contra investigation into actual proven massive crimes that the entire American media has been scared to mention for the last two weeks. Trump is a terrible President but he's great at trolling media cretins.
  4. Grigg has been great recently but was a defensive liability in the final three games last season. He needs to step up tomorrow. A lightweight midfield is bold from Rennie, hopefully he has spotted that Lyon have dodgy fitness.
  5. Looking at one consumption tax in isolation of all other economic factors is utterly pointless. We need action on climate change but diesel can't be treated like tobacco and taxed out of use. People in rural France need their cars to work and to go about their lives. Jacking up taxes without providing any alternative methods of transport, income support or changing work patterns to alter commuting won't be at all effective and will simply result in what we see now: people becoming miserable and angry.
  6. Because Western corporations steal all their resources.
  7. Macron fans need to get permanently back in their box.
  8. Do you honestly think that a few fake stories have any impact compared to the tightening living standards that people experience every day? Corporate media are simply in denial that they heralded Macron as a liberal saviour and he's caused anarachy within two years.
  9. Did you read the article? The apparent problem is Facebook allowing people to communicate unmediated by the state or corporations. Which is what social media is supposed to do. The riots are due to long term inequalities inflamed by Marcon's policies.
  10. The killer for a second referendum is the question. If the question is May's deal vs Remain the right have a massive betrayal narrative even before the referendum happens.
  11. He is right that it will never be paid off though. It's impossible for the USA to run a big enough surplus to repay the debt without completely destroying their economy. It will be rolled over and constantly refinanced until there is a revolution or a nuclear apocalypse. This is an interesting graph. So in 30 years the amount of dollars in circulation has increased by 1000% with zero inflationary effect. This completely the disproves the common Weimar/Zimbabwe/Venezuela trope that printing = hyperinflation. Hyperinflation is solely caused by a lack of consumer goods. As long as the global status quo is that countries have to accept dollars or they will be invaded and their political leaders murdered America has no financial issues. Even beyond that though there is no reason why non imperialist countries shouldn't use fiscal expansion to reach their productive potential. The reason that we are wedded to this nonsense system is that US debt alone pays $276 billion dollars a year to financial elites for no risk or effort. They are obviously quite attached to that free money and won't give it up lightly.
  12. Ameria can't go bankrupt. It's logically impossible.
  13. I read that earlier. It's classic conspiracy theory stuff. Listing loads of details and implying they are connected without actually providing the connections. Apparently a dodgy businessman recommending to Trump's lawyer toc onsider offering Putin a condo in a tower which was never built or even designed is going to be a legal problem for Trump...... Your entire economy is based on stealing from poor people! Your country is literally stolen. Russiagate nutters make the FBPE Meltdom look rational.
  14. Bercow slyly telling MPs to stop havering after Kenneth Clarke takes about 20 minutes to say nothing.
  15. That works better for both Fury and Wilder as then they both get the big pay day against AJ.
  16. He's not anti immigration in general. He's against immigrants who establish communities, use services and participate in politics. He's for migrants coming here for short periods, working as cheap labour, having no political rights and then leaving to be replaced by a younger version.
  17. No but it made me think that it would be simpler to create a more equitable society within the UK than an independent Scotland. I have also lost a bit of faith in Scotland being more receptive to socialism than the rest of the UK. It probably still is but the difference is getting smaller with every year that passes.
  18. Emulating the policies of any single country would be daft. We need to look at policies which have been successful at decreasing inequality which sadly means looking into the past. To our own postwar achievements, the thirty glorious years in France, the Social Democratic achievements in West Germany and Scandinavia, the new deal and the successful elements of Soviet planning. We need to adapt those policies for the 21st century and focus on definancialising our society and centring policy on sustainability and combating climate change. A lot of people seem to think that the current economic trends will simply turn eventually like winter turns to spring. It won't, things will only get better with significant structural change.
  19. It only matters that it's increasing. Relativism is irrelevant here. Do you think it's possible to decrease inequality within the EU?
  20. Again not HB. And that graph is irrelevant. The relevant factor is increasing inequality under Lisbon not the relative levels of inequality which are mainly down to pre EU factors.
  21. The point isn't about the relative levels of inequality in each country but in the direction of travel. The question is how do you reverse the trend from increasing inequality and precariousness to decreasing within the current EU structures? I don't think you can and no one has actually laid out a plan to do so. Macron has admitted that the EU needs a new renewed social chapter but there is no sign that it's going to happen. There was a lot of talk about tax reform but it's going at a snail's pace and unlikely to happen. The parliament talked about ending posted workers and ended up with a fudge that limits posting to 18 months which is a joke.
  22. Since the 90s the German economy has trended right. Schroeder brought in the Harz reforms which changed the labour marker and welfare system and Merkel has continued the trend. Germans are facing the same economic pressures and social stratification as people in the UK, we are just further down the line. http://www.spiegel.de/international/business/inquality-and-wealth-distribution-in-germany-a-1190050.html According to Spiegel the bottom 50% of Germans own 2.26% of the nation's wealth. The top 10% own 66%.
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