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Everything posted by Drooper

  1. You might have a barrel-adjuster on the actual cable - close to the headtube?
  2. They should amend that name, and henceforth be known as the Reformation Group. That would put the cat amongst the pigeons *typo*
  3. "I have a confidentiality agreement with Craig and I intend to respect that," Kennedy told BBC Scotland earlier this week. Who said there was no honour among thieves
  4. The most frustrating element of this entire saga has been the unreasonable requirement to ration your daily quota of green dots. I call on Div to increase our quota considerably, in respect of this thread alone, if need be. Come on Div....do the right thing
  5. Spot-on. McCoist is a clown, but what he did following the panel's decisions was pretty unsavoury (to say the very least). Is there any charge associated with lodging the appeal? At the very least, you'd have to assume that there are expenses, legal fees etc. involved.
  6. Can they defer making a decision on the grounds of requiring further information? Say, to lunchtime some day or other?
  7. D&P confirm that Whyte will 'transfer' his shares to one of two bidding consortiums. As I queried yesterday, when did this become relevant given that these clowns had been claiming it mattered not a jot for weeks? Laughable. Again.
  8. On the cup final, it seems there will be no segregation on the trains for the supporters travelling through from Edinburgh. I really hope (and expect) that there will be no trouble, as this would be yet another indicator that we'd all be better of without both arse cheeks. It's good to hear that the constabulary aren't expecting bother. Quite refreshing really. The image of a cup final without either set of foul beasts is a very satisfying one.
  9. He's lost the plot completely now. Does he even believe the garbage he spouts? It's beyond ridiculous - the man is seriously unhinged.
  10. That's 4.30pm (I'm going for 30 minute increments in order to ramp up the pressure). Still hee haw. The Blue Knights can just about be seen on the horizon again, but it is difficult to make them out for all the tumbleweed in the foreground.
  11. Is a Go Outdoors discount card legal tender? As many Rangers supporters 'go outdoors' in the streets of our various towns and cities when they come calling, I'm guessing this should be fine.
  12. I just checked my wallet and found my AA card in there. Perhaps I could pass that on to Leggo? Ah, my bad!
  13. That's an interesting looking wallet. I have a pair of underpants with the very same pattern
  14. We demand to know who these poeple are! The posters of Pie and Bovril have a right to know who they are! Make no mistake about it, the posters of Pie and Bovril are like a seriously, seriously hungry animal. This animal needs feeding, FFS!
  15. Indeed. Who else could literally put 2 and 2 together, and come up with 5?
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