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Everything posted by Drooper

  1. From the Daily Retard: Whitehouse: “Three of the four bidders are in the hands of lawyers. They are at a very advanced stage. But so are two of the others. Would you trust this man with your finances?
  2. ....the two men who have led the WHYTE SCANDAL and the Rangers crisis stories from day one, Jim Traynor and Keith Jackson, have delivered We're back to that 'delivery' concept again
  3. From the BBC: Former Rangers manager Graeme Souness says he has not been contacted about being part of a takeover bid for the club - and that he is not interested. *sniggers*
  4. I think I might have done my soup a disservice by merely referring to it as 'tomato'. On closer inspection, it seems that it is, in fact, 'Rustic Italian Tomato & Balsamic'. So, on reflection....it quite clearly is tomato soup.
  5. It's lunchtime, so I expect news! Here's some to be going along with.... I'm having tomato soup.
  6. Why aren't they dead yet? I want them dead, dammit! DEAD, d'you hear! Uncle Watty is in the wings, I believe, so everything is going to be alright.
  7. FFS, he does right enough. You could really stir them up over on RM with a bit more photoshopping
  8. I was referring to Captain Sensible, you attention-seeking mug! ETA: well how the hell else would I describe you without giving too much away? A ginga-ninja?
  9. I'm out of greenies or you'd get one for that. I can relate to a lot of what you say. Indeed, a few years ago as we were leaving Love Street, I was involved in a project led by a high profile poster on this very thread, to put a book together marking the last season and a half at our spiritual home. This was very much a labour of love, but didn't feel like a labour at all. It just seemed like the right thing to do, and we created something we're pretty proud of, TBH. It pains me, then, to think that I've lost much of that drive and passion. A great deal of that is attributable to the current state of the game in Scotland in general, and not any specific circumstances at St Mirren. We need radical change. Nothing can be clearer, IMO. The chance has now presented itself, and I hope the diddies grasp it and force that change through. I don't think they will ever get a better chance, and this is what I told our chairman, Stewart Gilmour, during a 'phone call a few weeks ago. If the status quo remains in place, then I think my scunner level will have maxed out, and I'll be finished with senior football altogether. Fingers crossed it won't come to that.
  10. If a tree falls in the forrest and no-one is there to hear it, did it really make a sound?
  11. Did they not also make reference to quantum something or other? Perhaps Paulo Sergio, astro physicist extraordinaire, can translate for us mere mortals ETA: Quick check, and indeed they did: You Say Quantum, I say WTF? "The three main deciding factors for selection of the best bid are deliverability of the deal, quantum of a CVA and timing. A quick Google of quantum and Rangers brought this up.... Haudit & Daudit....Super Heroes!
  12. Count me in. I've become increasingly disenchanted with the game over the last few years, and have been hoping beyond reasonable expectation that radical change might occur that would, in turn, reignite my passion. Getting shot of one of half of the OF would be very encouraging start, even if only for a few seasons, in order that the balance of power might shift a little. In any event, I've enjoyed this thread immensely, and it is good to know that there are a few kindred spirits out there Group hug? No? Bloody sod ye, then.
  13. Mechanical or hydraulic discs? If you have hydraulic brakes you might have some air in the hose or caliper so might have to bleed them. it's a pretty straightforward exercise, but you might need to buy some spare fluid in case you lose some or need to top up. If the brakes are mechanical, I'd imagine you'll need to adjust the cable tension. I'm not sure how this is done, TBH. Presumably it isn't that different from adjusting other cable operated brakes. I enjoyed a wee 20 mile blast tonight, though I didn't let my tea settle sufficiently so felt a bit rough at first. Local lanes for the first section of the journey with some poor surfaces, but almost no traffic, and a busier return leg, with a wee prick of a boy racer blasting his horn as he passed me Shite weather tomorrow and into Friday by all accounts but improving for Saturday, so that looks like the best day for a decent run-out.
  14. Good point, well presented. So what you're saying is that they think we're fucking imbeciles, who will believe their trite drivel? I'm not sure which analysis I prefer.
  15. Now, this is a wild stab in the dark, but bear with me if you could.... Could it possibly be something to do with the Scottish media being populated by fucking imbeciles?
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