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Everything posted by Rocco

  1. Funny how opinions differ. I genuinely thought he got stuck in and made a nuisance of himself, which Lafferty certainly didn’t like
  2. I was one who wasn’t fussed whether we signed Kingsley. I’d like to add that had we signed Kingsley, it wouldn’t have won us the league, which was the point I made about signing him in the first place. Id love to see Sibbald back at Falkirk, and if it could be managed, whilst still allowing us to have enough budget to strengthen other areas, then it would be a no brainer. It’s likely it would take a large chunk of the budget up and we are weak in so many other areas that we can’t put all our eggs in one basket. Martingale’s comments regarding his fitness after Covid is also concerning and would be too big a gamble for us.
  3. Add Darwin Núñez to that list. Heard he’s signed for Liverpool.
  4. The worst thing about replacing Vaulks with Rankin is that he couldn’t get a game ahead of players who were behind Vaulks in the pecking order. Any signing was going to weaken the team but signing someone worse than what we already had was dreadful business.
  5. To be fair it looked like we were just trying to avoid relegation last season
  6. Considering players contracts run till the end of the month, I don’t expect to hear anything till then
  7. Think he was given a 3 year deal when he signed
  8. Obviously none of us know the full story but I’d be pissed off if the club I was at only decided to offer me a contract once the season was finished and it looked like I was going elsewhere
  9. I get what your saying here, however, if Raith feel McGlynn has taken them as far as he can, then surely the next step is to try for a manager who can take them to the next level. It may not work out but fans will never be happy if a Board decides to just sit stagnant and accept where they are.
  10. There is no doubt the squad has a lot of shit in it, however, I truly believe that with the right manager and if we make 6 good signings, some of the players in the team could look completely different
  11. Wait, he was performing extremely well for the team topping that division before we recalled him
  12. I thought you might go to inform them that they can just terminate contracts.
  13. The fact that players can sit in the reserves earning hundreds of thousands a week and not be paid off tells you everything you need to know. Don’t need to be an expert to know that contracts that don’t have caveats in are water tight.
  14. You are clueless! We all know how employment contracts work but football is completely different.
  15. Only if the 6 players are of the right calibre and type required. I’d argue that with the possible exception of Watson, none have turned out to be what we required. Maybe I don’t care as much anymore but I’m not bothered if Rennie stays or goes next season. I don’t see who we will appoint that will get a tune out of the players we’re stuck with and get a perfect record with the rest of the signings.
  16. The season ticket numbers are going to be very poor next season!
  17. He can’t play for another club this season
  18. Too many people on here saying “the BOD need to appoint a decent manager” but what “decent manager” will come to us? Nobody is the answer because they’ll have much better offers than us. The only chance we will have is if we appoint someone who shows promise and we get lucky. We have become a club who can quickly turn on a manger when things aren’t going well due to the years of underperforming. Our turnover of managers wouldn’t fill anyone with confidence that they’ll be here long and we’ve got a dreadful squad who are mostly signed up for next season too. As a club we are in a dreadful position. The squad assembled in the summer was nothing short of shocking. We were paying a guy who’s main task was to sign players and he couldn’t even identify that you need a strong core to compete in this league. I don’t think I’ll be renewing my season ticket next season as it’ll just be more of the same and I’ve got better things to do with my time and money. The damage has been done over many years and I hope to god it can be fixed, however, I have a feeling it may just get worse in the short term.
  19. Your not getting this are you. He didn’t build the team!
  20. Did you read what I wrote? How is that a fair comparison? It’s a completely different squad of players. M&M did okay when they came in because they did the simple thing most managers would do and made McManus their number one striker.
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