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Everything posted by Rocco

  1. Our penalty definitely looked like it was for handball. Montrose penalty looked outside the box from my view but as has been said, Long would have received a red if it was a free kick. The ref absolutely bottled it with Mo’s number 3. He committed the exact same foul that saw Nesbitt get a booking, yet he got away with it.
  2. Haven’t posted much recently but delighted with how we are playing. It really is funny how so many of our fans are absolute idiots. I wasn’t sitting my normal seat for the Dundee UTD cup game and there were guys behind me talking absolute shit the whole game. One guy in particular said Miller was useless because a centre half overpowered him and then went on to say later on that Miller would be his hate figure this seasons. Pleasing to see Miller has went on to be one of our better players. Long may the good results continue and we get wins against Queens and Accies.
  3. Very good performance but I thought Calvin Miller was outstanding. The amount of times he dropped the shoulder and made space to start an attack was impressive
  4. Well today proved that we are hamstrung with McGinn playing. We were a different team in the second half but I wouldn’t say it was the personnel who came on at half time that made the difference, rather the ones that went off, primarily McGinn. I was really impressed with Miller. He was always looking to create and most good things we did in the second half involved him
  5. Just been catching up on posts. I see someone commented about Kennedy’s goal contributions and our replacement doesn’t look like they’ll replace it. I would argue that Kennedy’s lack of strength and pace was a huge disadvantage to us last year and if the replacement we have can offer that then we may be in a better position. For all the good Kennedy did last season, which he did, he was too weak and not quick enough and like Morrison could easily go missing in games. The new signings look like they’ll be able to fight for a win when the going gets tough. Something we lacked last season
  6. I think being fluid is a key thing this season. We struggled to break teams down last season because he were far too rigid in a set formation and it was too easy to defend against. We need players to read the game and be able to move about to cause uncertainty to the opposition defence
  7. Since you can’t read back I’ll summarise. We aren’t getting one. We’re going to play a back three consisting of a left back and two centre halves. You may think that’s mental but McGlynn has spunked the budget on more important positions and doesn’t think we need a right back
  8. Ah, the good old need a proven striker line
  9. I may be way wide of the mark so please forgive me if I am but, is it possibly to do with the compression tops players wear. I’m pretty sure they brought a rule out that the tops need to be the same colour as the top. So if a player was to wear a long sleeve and the red steeple went all the way down the sleeve then that could cause problems for players who like wearing short sleeve tops with the compression top underneath
  10. I genuinely wonder about the IQ of people that say that statement. “Pay as you play”? We’re playing League 1 in Scotland and any player we sign will have bills to pay that cannot afford to go weeks without wages. Nobody at the age of 30 in their right mind would sign that and I fully expect the club wouldn’t even consider making such a ridiculous request.
  11. Was Watson not on hefty wages? Surely if he’s offered a contract then it’ll be on reduced wages
  12. Personally didn’t think Hogarth really did anything wrong with us
  13. The fact that Jamie MacDonald rejected Raiths contract and has been announced as leaving the club has me believing he is coming here. Couple that with the fact no other club has announced him and we won’t announce anything till McGlynn is back his holidays
  14. I don’t think it really matters how he’s assists to be fair. If someone was scoring goals I doubt anyone would bother how he scores them. Whilst I agree he needs to add more goals, I’d also argue that the reason he’s playing league 1 football with us is because of that. I’m sure if he was getting 10+ assists and 10+ goals a season he would be off to the league above
  15. I love how posters on here are slagging off Morrison and Nesbitt saying they only play a handful of good games a season and contribute very little, however, the same ones were being fan boys of Burrell who contributed the same, if not less.
  16. How will that work for them though? Most of their players signed for them because they are PT so will going FT not mean they’ll lose a lot of their best players? If this is the case I can’t see them being very strong next season
  17. I was thinking more along the lines of not a goalkeeper but good shout
  18. In our first season down in League 1 McManus almost single handedly got us promotion. Just shows what a really good goalscorer can do for you
  19. I’ll be honest and say I’m not 100% sure what I want the club to do. Am I angry with how the season finished? Yes. Does it frustrate me that McGlynn struggles to change a game with subs? Absolutely. But ultimately he had us playing very well and at one stage it looked like we may be able to claw back the points to take the title challenge to the end of the season. Now obviously this didn’t happen as our form went off a cliff, however, maybe he is right and he needs this summer window to “make the team his own”. Only time will tell. Changing the manager is not guaranteed success either and I’d go as far as to say that McGlynn for all his failures is still the most competent looking manager we’ve appointed in a long time. Whatever the BOD decide to do I would accept as I’m on the fence but either way they’ll know both choices are a gamble so hopefully they pick the right one
  20. We need more height and strength in the team. We’ve been bullied far too often this season. At least Agyeman will give us some much needed pace and strength in the final third. Personally, if someone came in for Morrison, I’d let him go. He’s very good on his day but he has a purple patch each season and then does very little the rest. I’m not opposed to keeping him but with a year left on his deal we should take any money we can get for him
  21. Even though I think it’s very unlikely that McGlynn will be sacked, I wouldn’t be against the club approaching Maybury. From the outside it looks like he’s done a good job at Edinburgh City
  22. I agree, however, they’ll focus more on the fact he got us to a semi final, which brought in huge financial benefits. They’ll not care the teams we had to beat to get there
  23. What a dreadful end to the season. McGlynn making like for like subs when it isn’t working is one of the most frustrating things to see. Regarding McGlynn’s future, I think he’ll be here next season. He was likely given a two year deal with the remit to get us up. The first year was likely to stabilise the team and push for promotion with the second season to gain promotion. The cup run has will probably make the BOD look back on the season as an overall success
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