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Everything posted by Rocco

  1. I don't know how I'd feel about Lee signing. Like you said, he knows the league and still is of decent quality, however, this is the same guy who looked like he'd downed tools for the previous 2 managers
  2. There are some proper brain dead arseholes on here. Making statements like "we don't need another centre half, we need a striker". No shit Sherlock. I'm sure Ray is working hard to get a striker and but it's the hardest position to fill especially in January. You've got to give McKinnon the benefit of the doubt that he knows what he's doing so let's get behind the new signing
  3. Arguably, Petra has been instrumental in getting the points we got up to the window opening. His runs stretched teams and created openings for Zak. Without him in the team I doubt we'd have as many points as we do
  4. I agree with what you're saying, however, he's just bagged himself an 18 month contract so there is a trade off between 6 months at a higher wage or 18 months at a lower wage and the possibility of playing at the top level next season. I will be shocked if we paid him anything substantial
  5. You've picked that up wrong. You're loaning him straight out to us, so that's why he'll see him soon [emoji6]
  6. By no means am I saying that, however, the January window isn't easy and surely he is of a better pedigree than others we have
  7. Is he worse than what we have though? If not then it's a positive signing
  8. Are you for real? I'm dumbfounded that some fans expect us to be signing players that the likes of Ross County and Dundee Utd will. We are in a mess and if McKinnon signs some average players for this league then that is already an improvement on what we have
  9. I'm not saying he will be a good signing but I think people have lowered their expectations. This signing looks like it will let Ray go to a back 4
  10. I think the difference is that under Houston we were pushing for promotion. We are currently trying to survive so all of a sudden this signing looks good
  11. I think McKinnon has done a very good job so far. January can be a tough transfer window so as long as he keeps us up I'll hold off judgement till he has a summer transfer window
  12. The man in the know strikes again. Thanks for the info
  13. We can only have a certain number of players on loan and he could be taking up a space that would allow us to get in a player who will make a bigger impact
  14. With the speculation that Haber will be sent back to Dundee in January, do we think Sammut will be returned to Chelsea as well? I would say yes as if it's in our hands I don't see why Ray would want to keep him
  15. Or it could completely ruin them playing in a shite atmosphere and getting booed. You can't throw young guys into a situation like this
  16. Just watched McKinnon's interview. You can see him getting pissed off more and more every week. I'll be surprised if he gets to January without saying the guys are absolutely hopeless and a waste of space
  17. I think the loans will be vital. Those will be the guys who are of higher quality but not getting a game at their team so want to go out on loan for regular football. There might be some guys who teams are looking to offload that we might sign. Hamilton let Longridge go last year so we could sign him
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