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Everything posted by Rocco

  1. There is no chance DKD will be back with us. He'll get plenty offers elsewhere
  2. I don't disagree with you, but that doesn't mean Knox wouldn't be worthwhile having as a backup
  3. No matter who we sign, I'm pretty sure they'll not have decent scoring records at these levels
  4. My point is that he might come good. He probably won't be as good as Shankland, but if he's decent enough and cheap enough, then he may be worth a gamble, even if it is as backup to help bulk up the squad
  5. To be fair nobody wanted Shankland and look how he turned out. I'd quite like to see us take a chance on a young guy and give him an opportunity.
  6. Another couple of goons who don't understand how injury time works!
  7. The pressures on him will be different this season. He will be under no illusions he needs to win the league, which is why I think he'll play differently. If he doesn't, then he deserves to go
  8. Why not wait and see what we look like? He has signed some good playmakers and wingers, which would suggest he plans on attacking teams
  9. Why are people on here making out like McKinnon is the only manager who can't pick up a good goalscorer? If a manager was great at finding goalscorers time and time again, then they would manage at the highest level.
  10. This just proves you know very little and would rather just slag off a manager because you don't like him.
  11. You can't say he had months of planning for a January window. It's a dreadful window and you only get what everyone else doesn't want
  12. Totally agree with this. The BTB offer is the one I want, however, some fans just want new owners regardless of who it is. Very big risk to take
  13. The one thing that has baffled me about the whole "I want the MSG out" attitude, is that, a lot of people don't actually care who comes in, as long as the current MSG aren't there. Now I want change as much as anyone, and I've stated before that if I was in a different position then I'd have probably witheld my season ticket money, however, I'm concerned that a lot of fans think new owners will be guaranteed to be better than we have. I was very comfortable with the fan/local businesses buyout, as you knew they would have the club's best interest at heart, but I'm not confident the other bids will be the same. The fans slagging other fans for buying season tickets should be careful, as if the club does change ownership and things go to shit, does that mean the fans who didn't buy season tickets should take the blame? The answer is obviously no, but it's the same thing as telling fans who have bought season tickets that there destroying the club.
  14. I agree it is concerning we don't have a striker, but I'd rather he took his time to try and get the right guy, rather than signing a striker for the sake of it.
  15. Think he's training to be a Lawyer so part time suits him Edit* Just realised you were referring to Scott Shepherd [emoji23]
  16. As I've said previously, it won't be his choice. Goalkeeper, defenders and midfielders are always the easiest positions to fill. Strikers will be holding off to get the best deal they can. I can't believe a few people have made out that a professional football manager doesn't see signing a striker as a priority. We're in League 1, so of course any striker we sign is going to be a gamble.
  17. Not sure why your mentioning McKinnon's rebuild that he's currently doing?
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