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Everything posted by Rocco

  1. If he had went out and attacked Morton, Alloa and QOS and we lost all of them and were relegated, would people be happy to keep him? We don't know what could have been. Maybe we were limited due to the players at our disposal. I'm fed up of people saying if he attacked in that game we would have won, which might not have been the case. I'm willing to give him the benefit oft he doubt and let him build a team, however, if it isn't going well then he should be sacked.
  2. I disagree. I'll give Ray the first quarter of the season and see if he's more attacking. He'll be expected to win the league so I hope he goes more attacking. Personally I think Kerr would be a big gamble. Millar has also just signed a 1 year extension with Livingston
  3. So you'd give two guys with no management experience a job to build a whole team for their first stint in management? Are you trolling? I disagree that McKinnon's days will be numbered. I think he'll get the chance to build the team, however, if things aren't going well, I think he'll get binned shortly into the season
  4. McKinnon will keep the job, which is mainly due to the fact that to change manager now would set us back even further in our preparations for next season. You are kidding about Kerr and Miller though, aren't you?
  5. Surely if their contract is up then they are free agents?
  6. Hasn't stopped other clubs, however, there is no immediate rush.
  7. I want to keep my seat, which is exactly why I'll buy mine at the end of the month. Early bird doesn't last two days
  8. Why did you have to ruin this for me? You could have just let tomorrow bring my disappointment [emoji23][emoji23]
  9. This is my thinking. As I said yesterday, BainsfordBairn was very quiet and when he did break silence, he mentioned his shock to hear on Friday that the manager could sign players. Fingers crossed 🤞
  10. The statement said there is a budget in place
  11. I read the statement different from that. I read that they've set a budget but it may increase if/once investment is in place
  12. Bainsford Bairn is quiet [emoji102][emoji102]
  13. I'm hoping from that statement that it means we will see some signings
  14. It'll be higher management of the club like CEO and chairman/woman
  15. I'm really hoping this is true. It's in everyone's interest to get signings so fingers crossed
  16. You've got to assume by that statement there will be a change. All offers will have a deadline in place, which I would assume would be the end of this month, as any potential owner will want the best chance to get things sorted for the forthcoming season to push promotion
  17. These guys aren't making money that will sort them for life so I'm going to have to disagree with you. If a player is offered a higher wage to play with us, then I'd expect him to pick us over a lower wage at a championship club. Your comment on short playing careers would back this up.
  18. At the level we're aiming at what matters is the money going into the bank. A player isn't going to take less just so he can say he's playing a division above
  19. If this is true and he was to get his wish, I'm assuming he would have a few young guys as part of the squad as well? 15 seems a very low number for a squad
  20. By that rationale, a really good amateur keeper could be good enough to play in a Champions League team?
  21. Have you heard anything that makes you think they won't go? You tend to have info on a lot of the goings on
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