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Everything posted by Rocco

  1. This just proves you know very little and would rather just slag off a manager because you don't like him.
  2. You can't say he had months of planning for a January window. It's a dreadful window and you only get what everyone else doesn't want
  3. Totally agree with this. The BTB offer is the one I want, however, some fans just want new owners regardless of who it is. Very big risk to take
  4. The one thing that has baffled me about the whole "I want the MSG out" attitude, is that, a lot of people don't actually care who comes in, as long as the current MSG aren't there. Now I want change as much as anyone, and I've stated before that if I was in a different position then I'd have probably witheld my season ticket money, however, I'm concerned that a lot of fans think new owners will be guaranteed to be better than we have. I was very comfortable with the fan/local businesses buyout, as you knew they would have the club's best interest at heart, but I'm not confident the other bids will be the same. The fans slagging other fans for buying season tickets should be careful, as if the club does change ownership and things go to shit, does that mean the fans who didn't buy season tickets should take the blame? The answer is obviously no, but it's the same thing as telling fans who have bought season tickets that there destroying the club.
  5. I agree it is concerning we don't have a striker, but I'd rather he took his time to try and get the right guy, rather than signing a striker for the sake of it.
  6. Think he's training to be a Lawyer so part time suits him Edit* Just realised you were referring to Scott Shepherd [emoji23]
  7. As I've said previously, it won't be his choice. Goalkeeper, defenders and midfielders are always the easiest positions to fill. Strikers will be holding off to get the best deal they can. I can't believe a few people have made out that a professional football manager doesn't see signing a striker as a priority. We're in League 1, so of course any striker we sign is going to be a gamble.
  8. Not sure why your mentioning McKinnon's rebuild that he's currently doing?
  9. I'm not sure I agree with that. There wasn't a great amount of managers who we could have got/wanted, and not one makes me think they would have done any better. I personally think our signings last summer doomed us. I think he deserves this window and a chance to get his own team in, however, if we're not performing then he needs to go. This is his last chance with us.
  10. I'm not being funny, but when he did play 2 up top near the end of last season, it didn't work and we conceded goals. He knows he has to win the league this season, and the only way to do that, is to win as many games as you can. Looking at the squad he has assembled so far, I'd say it's looking like a team that will create chances. He's got wingers and midfielders that can create opportunities. I'd be more concerned if he was signing up 3 or 4 defensive midfielders. Since you clearly don't like McKinnon, I'll ask you this. If we changed manager would we have anywhere near the quality we have brought in so far? I'd say no. Most of these players have mentioned that they've enjoyed working with Ray and that helped their decision.
  11. Of course he'll see it as a priority. He'll want to win games, so he knows he needs a good striker. If you believe some managers aren't bothered about getting a good quality striker, then your delusional.
  12. I'm baffled when people come out with this statement. Of course it will have been his number one priority, however, getting a good striker is the hardest thing to do. Any decent striker will be willing to hold off and see what offer they get, because they'll know there is demand for them
  13. I totally respect what everyone is doing, and if I was going with a friend, or just myself, then I'd be withholding my season ticket money as well. I honestly think the MSG will know by now that the fans aren't happy. We can only hope they don't he right thing and f**k off.
  14. There are more important things to some people. I want them out, however, I go to the football with my Dad, which is the only time I get to spend time with him without grandkids/kids being around and I'm not going to give that up because of the current MSG. As I said above, some things are more important.
  15. Very short sighted there. I'll be renewing mine this week, which is because I don't want to lose my seat. I'd happily wait and pay £30 more, but not at the risk of losing my seat, which I can guarantee will be the same with quite a few others
  16. Maggie this is them preparing for their exit
  17. He definitely is a gamble, however, he may be one worth taking. Hopefully he can stay fit and prove a point, but only time will tell if he can do that. I expect Ray to bring a striker in on loan so Johnson may not need to be the first choice striker. That's if we sign him, obviously.
  18. I don't think Rangers will want him playing at a team who'll be battling it out at the bottom of the championship again either.
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