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kennie makevin

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Everything posted by kennie makevin

  1. Were you born rude ? Baffles me the mentality of some people...You're not interested in what I'm posting , fine ! Why be such an ignorant abusive twat about it ??
  2. What is wrong with you ....relax for God's sake . It really is not important..
  3. You're not my mate..... thankfully, as you sound a real charmer !
  4. Eh !!?? What are you on about ? What have Real Madrid got to do with it ?
  5. In my opinion the run to the 1970 European Cup Final was more impressive than the run to the 1967 final. The 67 final saw an entitled complacent side fatally underestimate their relatively unheralded opponents and lose.....and exactly the same occurred in the 1970 final.
  6. Nope just stating my opinion that what Celtic achieved in getting to the 1970 final was a greater achievement than their run to the 1967 final. Benfica, Fiorentina, Leeds United or Nantes, Vojvodina, Dukla Prague ? Just an opinion. If you consider that 'howling into the night' then I really cannot help you.
  7. No, no, young wastecoat, sir. It's all true but if you wish to take the facts of Celtic's run to the 1970 European Cup Final 'with a pinch of salt' then that is your perogative.
  8. Interesting that you should say that..."But You Do You" was Gerry Marsden's initial choice as 3rd Pacemakers single following 'How Do You Do It' & 'I Like It' but George Martin wasn't impressed with it, so they recorded 'You'll Never Walk Alone' instead and the rest is scarves aloft history. Everything's interconnected in Old Firm land, right enough.
  9. Look it up ...any self respecting Celtic fan should know the history. You didn't have to have been alive at the time and seen it first hand.
  10. No the two cup final defeats in the San Siro and Hampden. Mind you knocking out Benfica, Fiorentina & Leeds Utd in successive rounds is Celtic's finest European achievement in my opinion....pity they had to fall at the last fence.
  11. Nope. I was thinking along the lines of The Patsy Gallacher De-Luxe Grill & Brasserie in the Lisbon Suite, dressed as Pastor Jack Glass with my good mate Ian Crocker doing his best Artur Boric impression. But once again the toxic Old Firm obsessed west of Scotland culture makes that kind of family Sunday all but impossible on 'derby day in Glasgow' .
  12. You may be right to be fair...the track 'Marquee Moon' does go on a tad longer than is necessary but other than that it's as near faultless as makes no difference.
  13. Boom Radio have just announced that Cowan has been sacked from 'Off The Ball'.....if they want to be taken seriously as a radio station they'll have to try harder than that.
  14. 'Marquee Moon' doesn't have an 'at it's worst' You'll be thinking of their 2nd LP, 'Adventure'.
  15. And Jock Stein would heartily concur with that sentiment, with thoughts of 1970 and Aberdeen & Feyenoord .
  16. There should be legislation preventing Old Firm matches on Bank holiday weekends. That's two in a row where civilised people can't enjoy a nice Sunday meal with their families for fear of these mutants. If we're to have a Scottish parliament let it get it's teeth into something we could all applaud !!!
  17. That's it..As everyone is aware a Scottish team getting to a European final will always trump an Old Firm league win, which is an achievement roughly on a par with that of the sun rising each morning.
  18. You wrote 'education' not 'tacit knowledge'..... Gotcha... You're now het !!!
  19. "But....but....but ... Celtic trademarked it............" Now this is tedium. I will repeat again... the term 'Old Firm' is a satirical , not particularly endearing nick-name give to 'Rangers,Celtic Ltd' in the early years of the 20th Century as the unholy cartel took control over Scottish football and conned their ever gullible fan base out of yet more money. Neither Celtic nor Rangers came up with the term 'Old Firm'. It is not theirs to either claim or indeed disown. They can cease to use the phrase all they want. The rest of Scottish football will know them by their actions and for us , as long as two football clubs calling themselves Celtic & Rangers exist we will call them by their collective nick-name. So please, however else you may wish to insult me, do not insult me by trying to tell me who or what 'The Old Firm' are. That is not your call (or indeed Jim Traynor's - see what I did there) to make.
  20. The Old Firm inflicts utter tedium on us all , sadly I am not immune.
  21. Oh you mean like a Glasgow version of Hibernian ? I get the concept now. Thanks for that. But obviously the football part of the football club is solely Scottish, right ? Or is that another piece of conceptual thinking that I'm struggling with ?
  22. They can't.....it's all they have. Don't be a sourpuss & take it off them.
  23. That'll be the club founded in Glasgow, Scotland...who have played/traded for their entire existence in Glasgow, Scotland, whose greatest (& Scottish club football's greatest) honour was achieved by 11 players and a manager all born within 30 miles of Glasgow, Scotland....That club ?
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