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Everything posted by bdu98196

  1. Not seeing very good performances from the team, manager or the board just now are we? Not that we will ever know, but wonder how much of the profits if this venture had been successful would have been fed back into the club V's out into the pockets of those involved as expenses, salaries & dividends. A cynical skeptic might wonder if all this was just a way to utilise the stadium & facilities for minimal outlay for what was hoped to be a money making event. All reminds me of the catering contract controversy a few years ago..................
  2. Have any clubs pledged that the PATG prices will remain fixed for the season? With todays news on energy prices continuing to increase is it inevitable clubs have to increase prices to counter, in which case with ST already bought is it the 'fair weather' fan and away supporter that are going to be hit. The former being he very group that clubs want to entice more such they would commit to ST in the future?
  3. I may be wrong, but read that schools are in charge of their own budgets delivered form councils which also includes their utility costs along with various other commitments, therefore each school will need to look at its own measures to counter. Its also a requirement that a minimum ~32 hours (or near that) education a week must be provided, which is why 4 days was being considered by some - increase the length of each day a few hours and then save heating for a full day - whether this is feasible or acceptable would be a point of contention for parents regarding childcare, transport etc.
  4. Just wont bother like during Covid when they had the windows open mid-winter or cut down to a compressed wk of 3 or 4 days to reduce costs? Alternative might be like the footy season and have a winter shutdown - kids in school over summer instead and move the problem back onto parents!!!
  5. Whats new, its been said for decades? Just now people say it on the internet!!! What will change. Nothing because all those who complain will still & pay to watch their team play the OF and subscribe to the very TV deals which enhance their finances whether to watch domestic or European competition. Maybe there is a lack of realisation that paying for Sky or BT even if you dont watch any OF gaes still gives them the finances regardless!!!
  6. So you're problem is its a duopoly rather than 3 clubs because that increases competition dramatically. #minter
  7. I think some fundamental points are being missed in this regarding why Scottish clubs get papped out of Eurpoe in early rounds and by teams from nations fans deem to be 'inferior'. - Many of these teams come from leagues where they have different playing season timelines, so while our clubs are just getting back from holidays and trying to rebuild during transfer windows these clubs have squads that are fitter and more cohesive. (unless the whole playing window is going to change not much can counter that) - Financially most clubs outwith the OF tend to opt for short term visions with players on loans and short contracts. The in/out policy of anywhere from 3 or 4 to 11 or 12 players every summer does not allow continuity and a platform to build. Factor in the moment a 'diddy' team is successful in then not just the OF, but English clubs come in with better PCA offers and away they go. Its hard to build a strong and consistent squad without the funds to dig deep and maintain it. - Arrogance & ignorance (not just in Scotland but Western Europe) where the idea that post communist countries are bigger 'diddies' than us. Population wise we probably perform about average (factoring in the OF) but we fail to consider that there are not just different financial models at these clubs, but much like international football these nations are no longer a joke and can compete better than us. The money floating about in some of these clubs even the OF will struggle to compete with. - The lack of home talent, which goes back to an earlier point of continuity. We follow the English (#Barclays) model of bringing in jobbers from anywhere (although on a shoestring budget) rather than giving indigenous and young talent a change. Look at the OF, there places in the CL while promoting the profile of Scottish football does not benefit the game here given there are hardly any local players. Other countries develop youth along side investment giving assets to sell on to the next tier of clubs - using Europe as a showcase platform to advertise their stock.
  8. Fans make out like this is a new issue. Its common throughout almost every league in Europe now which is dominated by one, two or three clubs - unless a crazy & wealthy sugardaddy comes in, but even that is limited due to the restrictions and spending caps put in place at the behest of the monopolies. Its clear to anyone with a few brain cells that ever since the introduction of the Champions League and its expansion, its killed off competitive football in every country in Europe. The same folks saying RIP Scottish Football because of a duopoly are probably the same people who watch the Spanish, German or #Barclays not seeing the irony
  9. And would that be any worse than McDonalds, KFC, Kebab shop takeaways, ready meals that we hear so much about those on the lowest incomes being forced to eat as they cant be arsed to cook afford the 'premium' prices of fruit & veg.
  10. If they waited til winter for this action, the public could burn the building piles of un-collected rubbish on the streets to provide free heat & cooking facilities to fight the inevitable domestic energy crisis. Very thoughtless the planning of all this.
  11. But Chelsea have just sold a squad player they constantly punt out on loan to West Ham for £15m.......which in itself takes their spending to almost £120M this summer, meaning there is now 9 clubs who have spent over £100M this summer
  12. He's not from overseas with a fancy name, tan or stylish haircut and isn't English so can't be built up as a great hope - he will be a bench warmer unless he moves on. ManU will continue to spend this window so the Glazers get the fans off their backs and moneyball all kinds of bang average, over priced dross into the team because after 1 game in Ten Hag they now trust and the fickle fans will cream over it and any bad display will always be laid at the feet of McT.
  13. Big wake up call getting turned over by the Maryhill lovies, see this being a 6 goal thriller 5-1, but equally could be 3-3
  14. It always is. Its genuinely a league where if you can put a run of more than 2 or 3 wins together then you can jump up the board very quickly - keeping key players fit and building some momentum is going to be key. Its been some years since we saw a club 'cigar' this division and it looks like this will be the same. Its having that solid base with bit of spark that can turn draws into wins which would take us outwith the pack, but I'm not sure we have within our ranks consistently enough.
  15. 1 win, 2 draws, 1 defeat - a decent performance, one abject one and some 'meh'. Sitting 3 points off the top, but equally 3 of the bottom in the league. Only one team undefeated and 2 teams without a draw to their name after only 4 games. Standard Scottish Championship we see every season - no panic yet, but not enough to be excited.
  16. After reading the Scott Allan article on the BBC Football page (its basically a come get me plea to Scottish clubs that he isn't discarded and done). While I'm very much an advocate for the club cutting its cloth within the transfer market, paying wages in accordance with budgets and not having as many high risk injury prone players as we may do, there is also a time when gambles need to be made where the reward may outweigh the risk. Personally SA is a talent which in this league could be the difference and the give that bit extra to move us from play-offs to title winners. Being only 30, there is still time to sell the club to high (again) and show it as a platform to get back to the Premiership.
  17. It'll be a draw. It has to be a draw. Cove haven't had a draw yet this season in the league, lets help them out with that
  18. Writing any communications in capitals is should be included on the 'Calling card of morons' thread.
  19. Not a glamour signing but it's a solid option. Experienced player and probably not on big money so fits into our budget with a willingness to come to the club / area. Everyone in the league is looking for that free player who could score 15 to 20 goals a season on peanuts - its a gamble
  20. No ambition our fans, last year we should have focused on Messi knowing his contract was up, then added Ronaldo this season, I reckon man u will waive a fee as we're not in the same league or European competition this season.
  21. Was a good enough option to get him his 'big' move though. Hopefully not a case of getting an ego thinking he's 'billy big baws' and better than ICT as an option (if that was the case he'd be doing better at the level he is), or is there other behind the scenes issues with people or structure of the club.
  22. Hibs reportedly keen to punt Danny Mckay out on loan - any chance we might pursue that? I know nothing about the guy's background but does he have family or that local which might help influence?
  23. Awaiting the European Super League announced for season 24-25 meaning the BBC have just spunked a load of public dosh on some half arsed Eurpoa League job with only Champions from diddy countries and Newcastle
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