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Everything posted by bdu98196

  1. Last time we saw a Championship team with the 'we're heading up' arrogance was 2015 - lets hope for a similar outcome
  2. Inclined to agree, if BD blames the players for not following instructions the a) he's lost the dressing room and they no longer respect him and his ideas or instructions, such that the players think his tactics are wrong and they know better - circa the Foran era (in which case punt BD now and we will see an upturn in performances) b) they are arrogant or incompetent - either way he's been at the club long enough now to know these personalities and either change the recruitment or leave out those who he cannot trust c) or he acknowledges the talent at the club just isn't good enough (and in his opinion we are already maximising the balance of finances V's quality) of winning the league and is protecting them by criticising their ability to follow instructions rather than state they are just dug shite? So which is it? Win or lose games, have dips and peaks in form, its all to expected at this level and quality of squad. We are currently on a poor run but are still in a strong position. BD should come out and take the blame and at least get respect of the players and fans then move on - cant start making excuses blaming everyone else - thats the start of heads gone stuff.
  3. Given recent appointments and structure, probably until someone with (at least one or more of) a Hearts, Dundee or Rangers connection becomes available, however its unlikely BD will go anywhere unless he walks regardless of what we fans think. He will have had a remit to work at balancing the books while being competitive and try get promoted - right now being 2nd with 14 to go (as stated) is still play-off's, therefore until we are either out of the top 4 with no hope of the play-off (unlikely) nothing will change. In the event of a play-off loss at any stage will just be seen as 'unlucky' and a platform to build on next season (somewhat papering over the cracks and failings).
  4. Partially agree, the service is very poor but BM is nothing more than an experienced player who is probably at his level now heading towards the end of his career, he's not and never has been a guy to create something from nothing which teams in this level strive for. Still too many ICT fans who pull on the rose tinted glasses looking at players whether to return (as if they will be a saviour) or expecting one day they will stride back into previous great form - Sutherland (still mentions of potential), Doran (when he's fully fit - FFS the guy hasn't been fully fit for almost 5 years!!!) are all other examples. BD lacks ideas its clear or lacks the personnel to implement them (which has has to take responsibility for and either adapt of recruit better), but we also need a clear out throughout the coaching staff - too many stale ideas . No disrespect to them but we need to refresh and develop with new ideas. Every year we stagnate in the Championship is another year we weaken slightly more in terms of budget and ability to draw better talent.
  5. I've been to the North East (of England) and also to many parts of Spain, and trust me in comparison one is has favorable climate and full of culture while the other is not.
  6. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/59875348 From La Liga title, Champions League, sunshine to the miserable North East. Money talks, but given this is probably only the start this month of the spending, I'm sure many will hope they get relegated and players like Trippier blow their chances of attending the World Cup. Inflating already heavily inflated bank balances at the expense of trophies and success, you'd think all those years at Spurs he'd be wanting a bit more.
  7. So the new boosters are only effective for 10 wks before starting to significantly tail off. There must be some vulnerable folks due for #4 already - time to act responsibly and seriously by prioritising those most in need and let the fit and healthy/younger or those not wanting make an informed choice and open life back up, Clearly if e are going to place restrictions every time the vaccine uptake isnt meeting government (made up) targets to penalise all, this will continue long term and destroy the economy, will of the people and general structure of society.
  8. Few wks ago, perhaps under the radar the UK government agreed a deal for a additional 114M vaccines for 2022/23. By my reckoning that means we will definatley have booster 4 & 5, possibly 6 to come then whatever new deals or how long til these all get used up. With the prospect of diminishing uptake, its likely that could drag on towards double digits!!! maybe not fully pertinent to all the current points, but does perhaps highlight how long we (the public) may have to deal with this shit show https://www.gov.uk/government/news/government-agrees-new-deals-to-future-proof-vaccine-rollout-in-light-of-new-variant
  9. Based on lessons learned from last time, does anyone realistically think it'll only be 3 wks? Be prepared to expect these restrictions/semi to full lockdown fluctuations now until spring. We will be told of 3 wk reviews and cited scenarios like school return spikes etc and it'll drag along
  10. Just cancel it all now, call the Leagues and give the Championship to Arbroath. While like most I'd like to see my team go up, whats another year avoiding the bigot brothers when some part time guys can live out their dreams for a year playing in the top flight.
  11. WTF are you on about? Obsessed with Ranger & Celtic much? They wont get out of the English Championship for the same reason they won't win the English Permiership - they are Scottish clubs and play in the Scottish leagues. You're one of these deluded morons that believe because Sky hype it up that its good quality football and befitting of what is allegedly the 5th most financially lucrative league in Europe. All this wanking over how good the Championship is just to try prove that the team around BG at Norwich isn't bang average lower quality players which limits the impact he can make. Priceless the shite folks put on here then caveat with 'I've no interest anyway' and see it as a positive to slate Scottish talent and leagues because it makes them look cultured having a following of the big leagues in England. Minters.
  12. Look around him at the 'quality' of the team. When the top man is a guy who failed at Celtic and only really had two decent seasons scoring a goals in the Championship (a league which I think we all agree is over-hyped and essentially more diddy than the English wish to admit) then can one player really make a difference? The rest of the squad is bang average mainly Championship level with a few over-hyped English talent. Other than perform at the best level he can, integrate into the team, fulfill the requirements from the manager and ensure he is the best or most consistent performer then what do folks expect. BG wanted to go on loan and ended up at Norwich where the squad around him is lacking, while 'fortunately' Gallagher ended up at Palace and has had a good season so far, if it was the other way round with him at Norwich I'm not sure the English media would be saying the same and calling for him to get more caps or hi performances would be near the same level. Being in a team with quality like Zaha, Benteke, Eduard etc will make it much easier to show real impact. Put BG in a team higher up the league with more quality and freedom for him to play his game then see what happens!!!
  13. Reading the reports now GvB is appointed, its likely to be a full Ducth backroom, so this wont be happening.
  14. If McTominany wasn't at ManU and was at a lower level club or lesser profile nobody would give a shit if he was benched because he lost his midfield place. There certainly wouldn't be this call or desire to shoehorn him into the team at the RCB just to say he is there. Fact is he doesn't play that position at any time other than for Scotland and has been the weak point in several games when we have conceded. These are the 2 most important games in almost 25 years, SSC has to get this right which means making tough, strong and unpopular decisons - one of which is playing to the strengths of the team and not just keeping guys happy. Its great McT has the versatility to play in several positions but right now IMO he is not top candidate for any of them.
  15. If SC is brave for the semi and has the players fit to turn out a team like on Tue night which was solid at the back, dynamic and showed real confidence and movement it will take dropping some players like McTominay & Dykes who he relies upon. Looking at the semi final list we have the chance to outplay all those teams and take the game to them. For a final depending on opposition perhaps Dykes is the kind of guy we need against an Italy or Portugal just to get in about the defenders and we try shitfest the game - much like England at the Euros. While the draw itself is highly critical, so is the choices for team selection, personnel and tactics tailored against the opposition. It would sum up the luck of the nation to get 'easier' games drawn then have a Covid outbreak robbing us of everyone key.
  16. Didn't feel like we missed him last night, solid at the back and the team played well with us looking more together using defenders who play in those positions weekly. With the centre of the park also looking excellent with Gilmour, McGinn, McGregor could we actually be reaching the point its time for SC to accept that just because he plays for Man U that he may not be the best option every time to start?
  17. This has all the makings of televisual dung. Based on recent performances ICT must be a certain home win with the game over as soon as QoS realise they need to man mark Gardyne.
  18. Hardly a shock. Seems to fit the profile for the latest board of being Dundee, hearts or rangers affiliated....the more the better apparently. From a football perspective not sure its the best appointment we could make but let him get a chance as we've done with other questionable options in the past. I hope there is something seen in the background when he supported mccann that suggests he's got ability to succeed and its not just a job for another guy down the lodge.
  19. If its between Shankland, Nesbit ,Griffiths, Paterson or Burke for the last striker spot, then I'd gamble on Griffiths - even if he's not fully fit and playing only a bit part at Celtic he is the only one with real quality including set pieces which so something the squad lacks. Stevie should be making contact now telling him to get fit and on it as the 'dangling carrot' for making the Euro train IMO. Maybe a kick in the baws for the others but none of the mentioned and possibly even McBurnie & Dykes have done enough to say they are better options than LG - which either suggests how much talent he is wasting or how shallow our pool of strikers continues to be!!!
  20. nobody realise in a tight group where there is little between us, Israel & Austria that goal difference may matter.........
  21. Dykes is well off the pace, hasn't looked anything special in the last few games either......be as good putting McBurnie on
  22. The pace is like that geriatric walking football you see on the news. Need to up the tempo and grab this game by the baws!!! Get it put to bed by halftime instead of this controlling the game and seeing it out crap.......still over an hour to go!!
  23. Probably going to see our squad being trimmed more often than a porn stars bush over the next few months
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