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Everything posted by DukDukGoose

  1. Don't say that. We're massively talking up the fact you offered him a new deal.
  2. We probably need a pacey option. It'll be interesting to see if anyone from the youth setup shows anything in preseason. @Illgresi and @DrewDon make good points. Didn't quote for the sake of not having big walls of text everywhere and too lazy to snip bits on phone. I was pleasantly surprised with the questions that were asked, even if they'd been prepped beforehand.
  3. Whilst I don't agree with the "if we lined them all up today and announced them there'd be excitement' comments, is there really significant areas of concern? A centre half and winger then we're basically good to go.
  4. Well when you said "They are very obviously Scotland’s two standout young talents at the moment and therefore it’s only natural they are mentioned in the same breath. The comparisons should only be stopped when discussing the merits of a midfielder and a right back." One rarely plays for the European champions but looks like he's going to be a regular at Norwich. The other rarely plays for a Rangers team that walked the league. If Patterson was at Chelsea he'd probably be rarely playing for Vitesse Arnhem or in the reserves.
  5. I think signing a long term deal at Arsenal is his best move.
  6. Allegedly we could have got him for what we paid for Stevie May. The club opted for May (which I was in favour of at the time so can't complain) but Motherwell managed to cash in at a higher price and will have made more than the £300k we offered on the League Cup gate receipts alone! Aye, they'd probably not have expected to be in this position after a year when they signed him from Caley. Winning the double clouds matters a bit too!
  7. It's difficult. There's a lot more to consider than what we as fans think a player is worth. I'd imagine he's not being compensated at the level of a £300k a year player. With a year left to run on his contract there's a lot to consider. For the player a shite season or a bad injury can drastically reduce his value or attractiveness to other clubs. For St Johnstone is he good enough to earn the club another £300k over the course of the year? If so then letting him no for nothing next summer isn't too big a problem. For players like McCann who have a couple of years left this is where you hold the aces. To sell him for £1m would be a travesty.
  8. Chelsea are at a slightly higher level than Rangers, pal.
  9. I don't disagree. I only said I can understand him wanting to have a look at him. You heard something or just chucking a name out there for a laugh?
  10. To be fair we signed Devlin with a damaged cruciate ligament. It doesn't get much worse than that! Your reasoning is precisely why we gave facilities to Hoban before signing him last summer. Even if he didn't fancy it we were still going to get him up to speed.
  11. There's been rumours on twitter and the hat since Devlin was capped by Scotland. Apparently came back with a honking attitude. Seen it on here too. I'm not saying I would sign him. All I'm saying is I can see why a new manager would look at the level he's played previously and wants to see if he can get there again.
  12. He's already integrated and at one point was in the Scotland squad on merit. As a back up CB it probably appears to be a no-brainer for Glass. It's not the decision I would have made but it's one player Glass hasn't had a look at. There was also strong rumours that he wasn't injured for a lot of his spell here. He just didn't see eye to eye with the manager.
  13. Ach, I understand it. Can't see it being a success though.
  14. Devlin was mentioned in Gallaghers signing interview. No sign of him in training photos. The hat will go in to meltdown if he's already getting physio work done.
  15. Aye I saw that too. I've always thought JET was going to be the one thrown in against the teams that sit back to try something different. Ramirez sounds like Goodwillie with a bit more physical presence. Some of our best football under McInnes involved him and his hold up play but Rooney scored too many to keep him put for a prolonged period.
  16. Seems pretty positive. After Main and Cosgrove left we weren't great at holding the ball up. That was a major criticism we all had of Hendry.
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