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Everything posted by DukDukGoose

  1. Yeah he was. Hayes had explosive pace though and that's always exciting to watch. He had that quick burst that bought a yard and gave him the chance to cross. Now he doesn't get past the man so often crosses in to him.
  2. Was just speaking to a mate and we both agreed that he was always quantity over quality. He was so good at getting in to position that he was flooding the box with crosses. These days we're only getting him in to position to have a few goes at it per game.
  3. I like him but he was rotten yesterday. At one point he tried a step over and looked like he'd broken his ankle when he kicked the ground. Just wasn't his day. There's a player there. He's dominated games against Rangers. Needs more consistency.
  4. Can't agree with that. We were playing with it then didn't resort to the long punt. Plenty balls played to the free man once we'd set the trap. Unfortunately the attacking third let us down. If your two wingers are as poor as Hayes and McLennan were then you'll always struggle.
  5. I thought that was a strong first episode of Falcon and the Winter Soldier. More character development than I expected. On Justice League, it was basically made for the people who liked the first and then decided it wasn't good when they found out Snyder had a different 'vision'. I'm not having it that the things he wanted to do just so happened to be what the fanbase were crying out for 'more Ray Fisher' etc. He's had the benefit of hindsight to make this film and it still sounds shite. Some of the 'positive' reviews are laced with backhanded compliments that they stopped being funny. A film made for the hardcore audience but at your hours will have no interest for the casual viewer. I.e the guys that but most of the tickets. A pointless endeavour and sets a dangerous precedent.
  6. I'm close to an aneurysm trying to understand how I should feel based on the comments of opposing fans. Can you all get together and decide whether Derek was either a) a wage thief shitebag who bottles it against the old firm and plays eye bleeding football Or b) the best manager since Fergie Of course if it's decided he's both then we're back to square one
  7. I agree with @Dons_1988 that Hoban is away. I think his loyalty was with McInnes for giving him another chance and not the club. There's nothing wrong with that.
  8. We can definitely do worse than Taylor but we know he's on a decent wage. I'm happy to look elsewhere to fill it but maybe not an urgency as we have Devlin to replace too.
  9. Whilst I agree, we will have Considine for at least another season. Neither are blessed with pace and aren't great with the ball at their feet. For what they both offer I think we should be looking to replace one. Hoban looks like a man who needs a long rest. I doubt he'll give us another year.
  10. Clear out required in the summer. Is there anyone out of contract who should be kept? The new man is coming in to a shit show but I'm fairly confident Cormack will fund replacements. Taylor, McGinn, Devlin and Logan must be a fair chunk of wages.
  11. Hardly. Played out from the back successfully. There's at least 4 occasions where the final ball from Hayes or McLennan was terrible and nowhere near their target. Utd won the game with a lovely goal after taking advantage of a mistake from a young player making his debut. Certainly miles better from both teams than what they produced in the previous match ups.
  12. Didn't deserve to lose that but the same players who have let us down in the final third for most of the season were given another go. Hayes and McGinn shouldn't get another kick this season.
  13. It was a ridiculous signing. He's been awful for the majority of the season.
  14. In need of something and he puts on McGinn. Ridiculous decision.
  15. We're playing through their press fairly easily. Final ball has been poor on many occasions today. They're getting the niggly 50/50 decisions from the ref and it's slowly the game down. We need to make a change. Hayes is done. Another year of him too.
  16. Jinxed him. MacKenzie should have cleared that. Looked like a foul tbh.
  17. I wouldn't say MacKenzie gas stood out but I've been more impressed with him as the fame has went on. Doesn't look like a young man making his debut and playing for his future.
  18. I think it's been a decent game. Just missing some chances. I'd much rather watch this than what we've seen ion the previous games against Utd. We've had a couple of half chances we've been unlucky with. Shankland tried to be too clever for his effort. We've had much softer penalties given against us this season. If he's booking him for a dive then he should be booking the Utd player for the push. Utd look much improved from their previous matches against us.
  19. Taking chances but they're leading to chances further up the park. Unless he does something remarkable before half time then there's no chance McLennan sees the second half.
  20. Our chance that hit the post was described as a counter attack Then claimed it was hectic with neither team looking to get the ball down. Probably could have counter on one hand the amount of aimless punts from both teams combined.
  21. I'm watching a completely different game from the Utd co-commentator.
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