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Everything posted by DukDukGoose

  1. I get the impression some will be annoyed it's been won with a woman at the helm.
  2. Jo Cherry is on the right side of this 'debate' whilst Angus Robertson is a 'bit last decade'. Eh?
  3. Well what does that have to do with you thinking it would live with you until dementia kicked in?
  4. Really? During one of our lockdown quizzes my mate had a round which was centred on WhatsApp conversations. He went back a couple of years and posted some really wild stuff and we had to guess who had made which comment. Most people couldn't remember their own comment let alone what others had said.
  5. Why would I need to quote you saying similar when you go on to admit that's how you've always felt?
  6. Of course. Which is why myself and others would have an issue with it. All evidence should have been presented on Friday. Unless of course it is new evidence which same to light after Sturgeon spoke yesterday.
  7. New evidence came to light in a couple of days?
  8. Aye. Similar to two of my kids having a fight. I ask them what happened. They give me their version but then one of them has something else to add that they didn't feel was worth telling me earlier on.
  9. I'd usually agree with the first sentence but with it being the Euros he could potentially be swayed. McGregor is a top quality keeper but he's always one minor incident away from having a total heads gone.
  10. You should have asked for an apology I tend to find the best tactics with these types is to let them spew their nonsense unchallenged. They then get in to the comfort zone where they believe everyone else agrees and make a further c**t of themselves.
  11. The two **** on my team spoke about this a lot yesterday morning during our daily call. Strangely there was no mention today.
  12. Struggling to understand this my self. One person provides evidence to a committee. Another person answers 'questions' based on that evidence. First person comes back and says "actually this is the evidence."
  13. I couldn't even laugh at that. Embarrassing.
  14. Lots of yoony tears and snotter on twitter this evening.
  15. She's used "best of my recollection" several times. No idea why it's upset you. Oh wait, yes I do.
  16. Could you not have had the 'first option' by making their agents aware of your interest and then signing them from there?
  17. Aye. Too focused on trying to get little digs in.
  18. That's where I am to be honest. I'll vote for Independence every time. This isn't anything I'm going to get too upset about. Didn't get too upset about the shitstorm the Tories caused last year either.
  19. It's politics. It's throwing enough shite at the wall and hoping some of it sticks.
  20. I really can't see her going anywhere. Yoons on here will have a collective heads gone. The mental SNP supporters will point fingers down the road and ignore it. The rest of us will move on with our lives.
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