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Everything posted by DukDukGoose

  1. And twitter goes beserk. You can't banish him to the reserves. Team morale would turn to absolute shit.
  2. Also in regards to the Doctor Strange stuff, I think she's going to be the big bad in that one but the shoe is setting up the background to show you she's not fully in control.
  3. Yeah. I'm still interested to see where this goes.
  4. My theory is* that Wanda has created this reality but Mephisto is the one pulling her strings. *stolen from online sources. They guessed this before the show started and I liked that theotry. Choosing to go along with it until the show suggests otherwise.
  5. Exactly. Seen some nonsense stuff about chucking him in the reserves. That would do wonders for team morale.
  6. Good watch? Not sure but was definitely something I had to watch to the end. Mental story.
  7. Breath of fresh air to see a final like this and a sickener for any team not called Celtic. I'd probably prefer to see a St. Johnstone win. Just a shame none of them will get the chance to visit a big city.
  8. Listening to it I'm not so sure.
  9. See your point. I thought they were maybe checking to see where the defender was in comparison to the ball.
  10. Was surprised at the odds offered before the fight but was too much of a pussy to put anything on as I've been stung many times in the fight game. Shows the benefits of actual activity rather than prizefighting. Hopefully Conor doesn't retire whilst we await a new major box office draw.
  11. Thanks for that. Probably wouldn't have been able to go about my day otherwise.
  12. Yip. So money may not be the driving factor in his next job.
  13. I'll ask him and let you know. It's not really relevant at all. What's relevant is what another team who may be interested in his services are willing to pay. During a pandemic.
  14. What he earned in a different country several years ago has no bearing on what he might except now. It's the usual tit for tat Old Firm pish. That's why I called it out.
  15. The lad has basically said it is going to take 10m euros to hire Benitez with absolutely no knowledge of the situation. He's literally picked a sum out of the air.
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