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Everything posted by DukDukGoose

  1. You could argue McKenna was a bit lucky because he was supposed to go out on loan. What can't be denied is McKenna was never dropped after that game. Even after poor games where you expected McInnes to go back to a more experienced player. He didn't.
  2. I'm hardly his biggest fan but I don't see any issue with what he's said there.
  3. Didn't he just take a coaching job at Man Utd? It would be interesting. Inexperienced top level player is probably not what we need but may be the market we're in. Like Gerrard he'd probably need a switched on backroom team.
  4. Absolutely. It shouldn't be forgotten either. In regards to your first paragraph that's the point I've been making. It's fine being asked who I'd take and myself giving an answer...but who's to know if there's any chance of it at all? It just seems fairly reasonable.
  5. We definitely miss Watkins but he isn't clinical enough. For me the ideal signing is a younger version who we can improve.
  6. In regards to the "who can replace McInnes" question, let's not kid ourselves that this isn't the most attractive the job has looked in decades. Some brilliant Scotland U21 internationals. An experienced core and arguably the best training facilities in the country. The Cowley's seem to be a lot of fans choice. Wouldn't be against that.
  7. We were playing the best football under McInnes and one of the main reasons for that us no longer at the club. Next week we'll have lost the other.
  8. I'd be disappointed if the club didn't have a succession plan in place at all times. Some random team could come in for the manager out of nowhere. There's no problem with a football team being proactive rather than reactive. Was Calderwood leaving the right decision? Definitely. Was McGhee the right replacement? No.
  9. McGhee (as crap as he was) had the budget wildly slashed on the back of Calderwood's spending with little success. Brown then came in to shore things up. Neither had a budget anywhere near the like that McInnes has had. I couldn't really care less what the club won before he arrived. That's all in the past. During his time St Johnstone, Hibs (Championship), Ross County and Caley managed to win trophies. Several others have also made it to finals and beat us to get there when we were favourites. I'd happily give you an answer to who I'd like to see take the job if any shortlist was made public. Until then it's mental masturbation. We'd all like to see Curtis Main replaced. No-one demands to know who should replace him.
  10. There's no real answer to the question though. I've no idea what other managers would want salary wise for a start. Of course there is.
  11. What has he done? He's left us in a better state than when he arrived and won a trophy years ago. We've not finished above fourth in over two years. We're all happy to use the budget argument when losing to the Old Firm but it's ignored when we're finishing behind Motherwell and Kilmarnock. Aside from a short spell earlier in the season, the football has been dire for years. We're all in agreement that we miss Marley Watkins yet he was only signed because we had four strikers injured.
  12. Think you're being a bit harsh lads. If we sack him then it's guaranteed bottom six and losing to teams like Ross County.
  13. Seething? If I was seething I wouldn't be feeling genuine pity for you coming across like a sad act.
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