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Everything posted by DukDukGoose

  1. He's the kick and run type that you just absolutely need in some cases. He's a less talented player player than Hayes but with a similar skillset. In full agreement with you that he's never going to be one of the top players in a squad.
  2. Aberdeen and many other clubs have already offered. Was not aware of this.
  3. Nah. Aberdeen released Maloney for being too small. You then find out that he never wanted to sign for Aberdeen as he was a Celtic fan through and through. As soon as he was offered terms there he was off. There has been others where the same thing has been claimed by supporters. When you speak to their pals you find out they were released because they'd spend their weekends drinking vodka in the park with their mates.
  4. Who's better lads? Scott Brown or James McArthur?
  5. That's good then. I've never been to Ibrox so had no clue around the actual set up but if they can use separate stands for the day to day then that would be fine. Was more worried about match day staff coming in on the day of a game and traces being left behind. Yeah, agreed. Ibrox is obviously a massive ground in comparison to most in Scotland also.
  6. Obviously well intentioned and should be applauded but does that not add to the risk of them playing games?
  7. Usually with P.R you're only interested in keeping your fanbase/customers happy. Celtic won 9 league titles in a row. I don't think it's a stretch to imagine a larger percentage of their fanbase would be happy enough with the trip if they were heading towards their tenth consecutive title.
  8. I told you this after the boxing day game but a good percentage of your fans posted saying he played well.
  9. Folk desperate for him to leave are as dangerous as folk who think he's the be all and end all. He's done a very good job for most of his time here. It's also getting stale. The signing policy is beginning to rely on players he's previously signed or previously wanted to sign. He could leave and we could get better. He could leave and we could regress. At the end of the day that wouldn't mean it was wrong to let him go. The next appointment just needs to be a good one. It's not the end of the world if he leaves. For the 'Remember McGhee' guys. JC had to go. The appointment was poor and he was immediately hamstrung by a massive budget reduction. I'm not even sure he should go. Something definitely needs freshened up though.
  10. If he's knocked down by a bus tomorrow should we pack it in?
  11. Success is relative. We've have none for the past two years. Third is acceptable for me this season.
  12. The only thing that has me thinking it could be true is we were told there'll be signings in January. Nobody mentioned folk leaving for others to come in like we usually would. Otherwise inclined to agree.
  13. No-one called him a legend. He's obviously a good player that we will struggle to replace this month, if we even get to.
  14. I think you just have to accept that you got it badly wrong with Wright this season and move on.
  15. £15m? How are they getting a max players salary of £140k per year and a total of £15m? There's no way that's our max players salary but there's also no chance our wage bill is anything like that.
  16. Loan rumours making a bit more sense then. There's a first for everything.
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