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Everything posted by DukDukGoose

  1. The first game was poor from the club in general. We milled about playing a few bounce games against a couple of teams in the league. Rangers played several games against high level opposition. At one point their reserves played Motherwell while their first team had just played in France.
  2. Let's be honest, nobody on here would have been too fussed if he left in the summer of 2020.
  3. He was literally thrown back in to the team at the first available opportunity. The manager has consistently mentioned how much we missed him since he was injured. He wasn't going to be benched for 5 months. He was anything but a fringe player this year.
  4. Yeah he can go f**k himself if he goes. I'll be amazed if he gets a 'better' team.
  5. You forgot to red dot my post. You shot your load already?
  6. The only player who has blocked me is Danny Rogers, when he was a youth team player at Aberdeen. It was when Ched Evans had just been found guilty and he posted something about sluts chasing after footballers. Told him it was a bit unwise to make public statements like that. Instantly blocked.
  7. He made a move to England and Derby didn't play him. As far as I can see there's no suggestions it was due to attitude. Had clearly wised up at Hibs as there was chat of him staying in Nigeria to party instead of heading back to train at Celtic. Yeah that's exactly the point I'm making. It was obvious Stokes was going to be chased and quickly at that. Didn't expect it to be quite as quick as it was.
  8. Derek McInnes was asked at one of the supporters chats he has that Wylde was let go because his attitude was absolutely shocking. As much as I don't think much of him as a footballer, people in the game obviously did as he kept receiving chance after chance. Dykes shagging someone's wife has nothing to do with his attitude to training and playing football. This is what I am talking about. Ambrose is a different kettle of fish. Strolled it at Hibs and I can't recall anything to say his attitude was poor at that point. If anything Hibs gave him the chance you are alluding to Livi giving players.
  9. Such as? Please don't say someone who did jail time as that has nothing to do with this. Edit: They signed Gregg Wylde who was another shining example of why horrendous attitudes don't mesh with their core squad.
  10. Based on the attitude problems alone. Livi have a great team spirit. Everyone works for each other. Stokes was never going to be onboard with any of that.
  11. I agree with most of what you say but I'm sorry to tell you that Stokes was never going to work out.
  12. "nO oNE tAKES mY pOLITICAL oPINIONS sERIOUSLY111!!!" Is it any wonder?
  13. Genuinely one of the funniest things I've seen in ages.
  14. Just found it funny, that was all. Hopefully he's more Steve Tosh than Jamie McQuilkin. Edit: FWIW Dunfermline fans want to keep him but to a man seem amazed we'd be interested.
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